The Laryngoscope
Spin, the misrepresentation and distortion of research findings, has been shown to affect clinical decision making. Spin has been found in randomized controlled trials (RCTs) published in various fields of medicine, but no study has tested for the presence of spin in otolaryngology RCTs. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the abstracts of RCTs found in the otolaryngology literature for spin. ⋯ NA. Laryngoscope, 2018.
Intraoperative neural monitoring is a useful adjunct for the laryngeal nerve function assessment during thyroid and parathyroid surgery. Typically, monitoring is performed by measurement of electromyographic responses recorded by endotracheal tube (ETT) surface electrodes. Tube position alterations during surgery can cause displacement of the electrodes relative to the vocal cords, leading to false positive loss of signal. Numerous reports have denoted monitoring equipment-related issues, especially endotracheal tube displacement, as the dominant source of false positive error. The false positive error may result in inappropriate decisions by the surgeon. This study tests the hypothesis that anterior laryngeal electrodes (ALEs) can help reduce this error. Placement of ALEs directly onto the thyroid cartilage represent an adjunctive and possible alternative method to standard ETT surface electrodes. ⋯ 4 Laryngoscope, 128:2910-2915, 2018.
To determine 30-day rates and reasons for revisit and readmission after rhytidectomy surgery. ⋯ NA Laryngoscope, 128:2714-2717, 2018.