The Laryngoscope
Randomized Controlled Trial
Shikani Optical Stylet for Awake Nasal Intubation in Patients Undergoing Head and Neck Surgery.
To evaluate the efficacy and safety of the Shikani optical stylet (SOS) versus fiberoptic bronchoscope (FOB) for awake nasal intubation in head and neck surgery patients with an anticipated difficult airway. ⋯ 2 Laryngoscope, 131:319-325, 2021.
Meta Analysis
Radiologically Defined Sarcopenia Affects Survival in Head and Neck Cancer: A Meta-Analysis.
To determine whether radiologically defined sarcopenia at the C3 or L3 level as measured by computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging is prognostic of overall survival (OS) in head and neck cancers (HNCs). ⋯ NA Laryngoscope, 131:333-341, 2021.
Each year, the Triological Society awards several Research Career Development Awards (CDAs) to support early-career otolaryngologists. The objective of this study was to evaluate academic outcomes of CDA recipients including National Institutes of Health (NIH) funding acquisition and h-index. A secondary objective was to appraise gender differences in outcomes among awardees. ⋯ NA Laryngoscope, 131:288-293, 2021.
Observational Study
The Role of Indirect Laryngoscopy, Clinical and Ultrasonographic Assessment in Prediction of Difficult Airway.
Pre-operative airway evaluation is essential to decrease the proportion of possible mortality and morbidity due to difficult airway (DA). The study aimed to evaluate the accuracy of pre-operative ultrasonographic airway assessment (UAA) and indirect laryngoscopy (IL) in predicting DA. ⋯ 4 Laryngoscope, 131:E555-E560, 2021.
To characterize the effects of tracheotomy timing at our institution on intensive care unit (ICU) length of stay (LOS) and overall hospital LOS. ⋯ 4 Laryngoscope, 131:282-287, 2021.