When choosing cannulae for cardiac surgery the two most important factors to be considered are the proposed procedure and the patient anatomy. These factors are especially crucial in paediatric patients with congenital heart disease. A 3-year-old, 14-kg male presented to the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics with dextro-transposition of the great arteries, atrioventricular canal, left pulmonary stenosis, azygous continuation, bilateral superior vena cavae, partial anomalous pulmonary venous return, left aortic arch and status post-right Blalock-Taussing shunt. ⋯ The operation was successfully performed under mild hypothermia with no complications. The patient fully recovered with only mild restrictions on his activity level. This case acutely illustrates the importance of anatomical and procedural awareness when choosing cannulae and cannulation sites for CPB in paediatric patients with congenital heart disease.
Review Comparative Study
Preoperative versus postoperative extracorporeal life support in neonatal cardiac patients.
The aim of this study is to document our experience with the use of extracorporeal life support (ECLS) in the neonatal cardiac patient, to detect differences in the morbidity and mortality between patients who required ECLS preoperatively and those who required ECLS postoperatively, and to determine the long-term effects of these morbidities. A chart review was undertaken of all neonatal cardiac patients who required ECLS between May 1985 and July 1994 at Kosair Children's Hospital, Louisville, Kentucky. Twenty-three neonatal cardiac patients had received preoperative or postoperative ECLS with an overall survival rate of 35%. ⋯ Survival in the two groups was similar, but a significant difference in morbidity was found. Except for severe intracranial abnormalities, the morbidity was shown to be reversible on follow-up examination. We recommend the continued use of ECLS for neonatal cardiac patients who require preoperative or postoperative support even when severe renal failure ensues or minor abnormalities are detected on brain imaging studies.
The quantity of blood products used perioperatively during cardiac surgery is known to vary widely between institutions. This study looked at the amount of blood products used perioperatively in 74 consecutive elective cardiac operations in one institution. The results are compared with those from other European centres and a cost analysis carried out. ⋯ In addition a number of preoperative factors were studied in an attempt to identify predictors of transfusion requirements. Age, preoperative haemoglobin, female sex and red cell mass were all found to have some predictive value. In the face of increasing demands on a limited supply of blood products we question the need for cross matching more than four units of red cell concentrate in elective cardiac surgery.