Case Reports
Respiratory failure caused by tuberculous pneumonia requiring extracorporeal membrane oxygenation.
While a common pathogen, Mycobacterium tuberculosis (TB) pneumonitis is only rarely reported as a cause for respiratory failure in developed countries. We report an adolescent with TB pneumonitis and respiratory failure requiring extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) with eventual survival. ⋯ ECMO should be considered as a treatment option if conventional ventilatory support is inadequate. ECMO survival with TB pneumonia and anti-TB antimicrobial therapy is possible.
Cardiac surgery in Jehovah's Witness patients remains a challenge in the presence of concomitant congenital or acquired coagulation disorders and anaemia. We report a case of a 66-year-old female Jehovah's Witness suffering from severe calcified aortic valve stenosis requiring aortic valve replacement. The anaemic patient suffered from concomitant platelet dysfunction and deficiency of factors V and VII due to gammopathy of immunoglobulin G. ⋯ Haemostasis was improved by high dose aprotinin and additional desmopressin, which could be demonstrated to be effective by a preoperative test. The patients intra- and postoperative course was uneventful, her total chest tube loss was 130 ml, and she was able to be discharged without the need of any blood transfusions. The beneficial properties of erythropoietin and desmopressin in Jehovah's Witness patients are discussed.
Comparative Study
MAST system: a new condensed cardiopulmonary bypass circuit for adult cardiac surgery.
There have been many refinements in cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) techniques over the past few decades specific to design, materials and function. Despite these improvements, use of the standard length circuit tubing and pump oxygenator alter cellular, biochemical and rheological properties by inducing a systemic inflammatory response, persisting well into the early postoperative phase. ⋯ This configuration accomplishes a decrease in tubing length, priming volume and blood circulatory time within the extracorporeal circuit. Early experience of a hundred consecutive cases utilizing the MAST CPB system is presented along with a comparative analysis of prime volume, hemodilution and transfusion parameters of MAST system vs the low prime system, which is another newly developed CPB circuit utilizing a pediatric oxygenator to reduce prime volume and hemodilution.
Thyroid function in neonates with severe respiratory failure on extracorporeal membrane oxygenation.
The object was to study thyroid function in neonates with severe respiratory failure on extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) and determine whether abnormal thyroid function correlates with prognosis. Total and free thyroxine (T4, FT4), total and free triiodothyronine (T3, FT3), reverse triiodothyronine (rT3), thyroid-stimulating hormone, and thyroxine binding globulin were measured in 14 newborn infants with severe respiratory failure (age 1-30 days) from samples collected before anesthesia for cannula placement, at 30, 60, and 360 min after initiation of ECMO, and on days 2, 4, 6, and 8. The patients were divided into survivors and non-survivors for statistical analyses. ⋯ These findings indicate that abnormalities in thyroid function occur in neonates with severe respiratory failure on ECMO and that the rT3/FT3 ratio correlates with prognosis over the ECMO course. Survival was associated with a significant reduction of serum thyroid hormone concentrations followed by recovery. We speculate that, in neonates with respiratory failure on ECMO, adaptive mechanisms which enhance survival include the capacity to down-regulate the pituitary-thyroid axis.
To investigate the influence of hypothermic cardiopulmonary bypass (HCPB) at 25 degrees C and circulatory arrest at 18 degrees C on the global and regional cerebral blood flow (CBF) during pulsatile perfusion, we performed the following studies in a neonatal piglet model. Using a pediatric physiologic pulsatile pump, we subjected six piglets to deep hypothermic circulatory arrest (DHCA) and six other piglets to HCPB. The DHCA group underwent hypothermia for 25 min, DHCA for 60min, cold reperfusion for 10 min, and rewarming for 40 min. ⋯ In conclusion, both HCPB and DHCA significantly decrease the regional and global CBF during CPB. Unlike HCPB, DHCA has a continued negative impact on the CBF after rewarming. However, 15 min after the end of CPB, there are no significant intergroup differences in the CBF.