Canadian journal of anaesthesia = Journal canadien d'anesthésie
Chemotherapy-induced painful peripheral neuropathy (CIPPN) affects up to 90% of cancer patients treated with chemotherapy agents. Despite the fact that it is relatively common, the underlying pathophysiology is still unclear and its treatment remains generic. Mechanisms of CIPPN are multifactorial, dependent on the specific chemotherapeutic agent used, and include multiple patient-related factors, including genetic factors that may predispose patients to either develop or not develop CIPPN. The purpose of this article is to review mechanisms, clinical signs and symptoms, diagnosis, treatment options, and prognosis for patients who develop CIPPN. We also offer research considerations for this complex and unpredictable phenomenon. ⋯ The management of CIPPN remains a clinical challenge for pain practitioners. As more research is being carried out to elucidate its pathophysiology and therapy, the innovative use of several non-traditional categories of drugs seems promising in the management of this complex phenomenon. Studies addressing predictability and possible genetic predisposition are necessary not only for preventive measures but also for targeted treatments.
Historical Article
From the Journal archives: Cyclopropane: induction and recovery with a bang!
To review the history of the early development of cyclopropane ⋯ The phenomenal success of cyclopropane in over 40 years of clinical use resulted from a lucky, but incorrect, hypothesis that it was a toxic contaminant.
Epidural/spinal opioids are increasingly used to relieve parturients' pain in labour. Some studies indicate that opioids can induce side effects in neonates, such as respiratory depression and neurobehavioural changes. This meta-analysis aimed to clarify the effects of opioids in labour analgesia on neonates. ⋯ The common doses of fentanyl and sufentanil used with an epidural/spinal technique in labour analgesia are safe for neonates up to 24 hr after delivery. In future studies, more attention should be paid to the long-term side effects in neonates.
Recombinant activated factor VII (rFVIIa) is a pro-hemostatic drug that is approved for treatment of bleeding in hemophilia patients, but it is frequently used off-label in non-hemophiliacs. The purpose of this study was to determine if the off-label use of rFVIIa is expanding and whether this poses a net harm to patients. ⋯ The off-label use of rFVIIa in Canada remains stable. Since severity of bleeding is prognostically important, the benefits of rapidly gaining control of bleeding that is non-responsive to conventional therapies may at times warrant the use of potent hemostatic drugs with established risk profiles, such as rFVIIa.