Critical care medicine
Critical care medicine · Sep 1993
Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative Study Clinical TrialRegional blood flow and oxygen transport in septic shock.
To measure the blood flow distribution and regional oxygen transport in hyperdynamic septic shock during hypotension and after correction by vasopressor doses of dopamine or norepinephrine. ⋯ Regional changes in oxygen transport in septic shock cannot be predicted from the changes in the whole body. The increased oxygen demand in the splanchnic region is the main risk factor for splanchnic tissue hypoxia in septic shock.
Critical care medicine · Sep 1993
An exploratory analysis of medication utilization in a medical intensive care unit.
To evaluate patterns of medication use in a medical intensive care unit (ICU) and to explore relationships between drug use, patient age, admitting diagnosis, Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE II) scores, length of stay, and survival. ⋯ Patients admitted to the medical ICU receive multiple medications from a variety of pharmacologic classes. Prolonged length of stay, certain admitting diagnoses, and death are associated with increased medication administration. Age, certain admitting diagnoses, and APACHE II scores are significantly related to survival.
Critical care medicine · Sep 1993
Randomized Controlled Trial Clinical TrialPerfluorocarbon-associated gas exchange (partial liquid ventilation) in respiratory distress syndrome: a prospective, randomized, controlled study.
To determine the efficacy of perfluorocarbon-associated gas exchange (partial liquid ventilation) in respiratory distress syndrome. ⋯ We conclude that perfluorocarbon-associated gas exchange, which employs liquid functional residual capacity and gas tidal volumes delivered by a conventional ventilator, can facilitate oxygenation and CO2 removal, and dramatically improve lung mechanics in the premature lamb with respiratory distress syndrome.