Critical care medicine
Critical care medicine · Oct 2015
Cortical and Medullary Tissue Perfusion and Oxygenation in Experimental Septic Acute Kidney Injury.
To determine whether there is a decrease in renal cortical or medullary perfusion and oxygenation in a conscious large animal model of hyperdynamic septic shock with acute kidney injury. ⋯ In a large animal model of hyperdynamic sepsis, renal hyperemia was associated with preserved cortical oxygenation and perfusion, but decreased medullary oxygenation and perfusion. Medullary hypoxia due to intrarenal blood flow redistribution may be one of the factors causing acute kidney injury in sepsis.
Critical care medicine · Oct 2015
Editorial CommentStemming Anginal Pain, Waiting for the Magic Cells.
Critical care medicine · Oct 2015
Randomized Controlled TrialIntracoronary Transfusion of Circulation-Derived CD34+ Cells Improves Left Ventricular Function in Patients With End-Stage Diffuse Coronary Artery Disease Unsuitable for Coronary Intervention.
This study tested the hypothesis that intra-coronary transfusion of circulation-derived autologous CD34+ cells can improve ischemia-related left ventricular dysfunction in patients with severe diffuse coronary artery disease refractory to medication and unsuitable for coronary intervention. ⋯ CD34+ cell therapy was safe and efficacious in improving heart function for patients with severe diffuse coronary artery disease unsuitable for coronary intervention and with poor response to pharmacotherapy.
Critical care medicine · Oct 2015
Multicenter Study Clinical TrialUltrarapid Induction of Hypothermia Using Continuous Automated Peritoneal Lavage With Ice-Cold Fluids: Final Results of the Cooling for Cardiac Arrest or Acute ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction Trial.
Hypothermia (32-34 °C) can mitigate ischemic brain injury, and some evidence suggests that it can reduce infarct size in acute myocardial infarction and acute ischemic stroke. For some indications, speed of cooling may be crucial in determining efficacy. We performed a multicenter prospective intervention study to test an ultrarapid cooling technology, the Velomedix Automated Peritoneal Lavage System using ice-cold fluids continuously circulating through the peritoneal cavity to rapidly induce and maintain hypothermia in comatose patients after cardiac arrest and a small number of awake patients with acute myocardial infarction. ⋯ Automated peritoneal lavage system is a safe and ultrarapid method to induce and maintain hypothermia, which appears feasible in cardiac arrest patients and awake patients with acute myocardial infarction. The shivering response appeared to be delayed and much reduced with this technology, diminishing metabolic disorders associated with cooling and minimizing sedation requirement. Our data suggest that ultrarapid cooling could prevent subtle neurologic damage compared with slower cooling. This will need to be confirmed in direct comparative studies.