Critical care medicine
Critical care medicine · Nov 2015
Comparative StudyCorticosteroid Therapy Benefits Septic Mice With Adrenal Insufficiency But Harms Septic Mice Without Adrenal Insufficiency.
Corticosteroid therapy is frequently used in septic patients given the rationale that there is an increased demand for corticosteroid in sepsis, and up to 60% of severe septic patients experience adrenal insufficiency. However, the efficacy of corticosteroid therapy and whether the therapy should be based on the results of adrenal function testing are highly controversial. The lack of an adrenal insufficiency animal model and our poor understanding of the pathogenesis caused by adrenal insufficiency present significant barriers to address this long-standing clinical issue. ⋯ This study demonstrates that corticosteroid treatment benefits mice with adrenal insufficiency but harms mice without adrenal insufficiency. This study also reveals that inducible corticosteroid has both immunosuppressive and immunopermissive properties, suppressing interleukin-6 production, promoting phagocytosis of immune effector cells, but not inducing peripheral lymphocyte apoptosis. These findings support our hypothesis that corticosteroid is an effective therapy for a subgroup of septic patients with adrenal insufficiency but harms septic patients without adrenal insufficiency and encourage further efforts to test this hypothesis in clinic.
Critical care medicine · Nov 2015
Multicenter StudyDevelopment and Validation of a Mortality Prediction Model for Patients Receiving 14 Days of Mechanical Ventilation.
The existing risk prediction model for patients requiring prolonged mechanical ventilation is not applicable until after 21 days of mechanical ventilation. We sought to develop and validate a mortality prediction model for patients earlier in the ICU course using data from day 14 of mechanical ventilation. ⋯ Using clinical variables available on day 14 of mechanical ventilation, the ProVent 14 model can identify patients receiving prolonged mechanical ventilation with a high risk of mortality within 1 year.
Critical care medicine · Nov 2015
Arterial Catheter Use in the ICU: A National Survey of Antiseptic Technique and Perceived Infectious Risk.
Recent studies have shown that the occurrence rate of bloodstream infections associated with arterial catheters is 0.9-3.4/1,000 catheter-days, which is comparable to that of central venous catheters. In 2011, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention published new guidelines recommending the use of limited barrier precautions during arterial catheter insertion, consisting of sterile gloves, a surgical cap, a surgical mask, and a small sterile drape. The goal of this study was to assess the attitudes and current infection prevention practices used by clinicians during insertion of arterial catheters in ICUs in the United States. ⋯ Barrier precautions are used inconsistently by critical care clinicians during arterial catheter insertion in the ICU setting. Less than half of clinicians surveyed were in compliance with current Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines. Clinicians significantly underestimated the infectious risk posed by arterial catheters, and support for mandatory use of full barrier precautions was low. Further studies are warranted to determine the optimal preventive strategies for reducing bloodstream infections associated with arterial catheters.
Critical care medicine · Nov 2015
Therapeutic Potential of Cerium Oxide Nanoparticles for the Treatment of Peritonitis Induced by Polymicrobial Insult in Sprague-Dawley Rats.
Peritonitis is a life-threatening disease that is associated with high mortality. The purpose of this study was to determine if cerium oxide nanoparticles can be used to diminish intra-abdominal infection-induced mortality and systemic inflammatory response syndrome in the laboratory rat. ⋯ Cerium oxide nanoparticles attenuate the systemic inflammatory response associated with peritonitis, suggesting potential use as a novel therapeutic agent for the treatment of severe intra-abdominal infection.