Critical care medicine
Critical care medicine · Jan 2017
Multicenter StudyDose-Dependent Protective Effect of Inhalational Anesthetics Against Postoperative Respiratory Complications: A Prospective Analysis of Data on File From Three Hospitals in New England.
Inhalational anesthetics are bronchodilators with immunomodulatory effects. We sought to determine the effect of inhalational anesthetic dose on risk of severe postoperative respiratory complications. ⋯ Intraoperative use of higher inhalational anesthetic doses is strongly associated with lower odds of postoperative respiratory complications, lower 30-day mortality, and lower cost of hospital care. The authors speculate based on these data that sedation with inhalational anesthetics outside of the operating room may likewise have protective effects that decrease the risk of respiratory complications in vulnerable patients.
To determine rates and predictors of albumin administration, and estimated costs in hospitalized adults in the United States. ⋯ The proportion of hospitalized adults in the United States receiving albumin has increased, with marked, and currently unexplained, geographic variability and variability by hospital size.
Critical care medicine · Jan 2017
Review Practice GuidelineGuidelines for Family-Centered Care in the Neonatal, Pediatric, and Adult ICU.
To provide clinicians with evidence-based strategies to optimize the support of the family of critically ill patients in the ICU. ⋯ These guidelines identify the evidence base for best practices for family-centered care in the ICU. All recommendations were weak, highlighting the relative nascency of this field of research and the importance of future research to identify the most effective interventions to improve this important aspect of ICU care.