Critical care medicine
Critical care medicine · Oct 2019
Association Between the Use of Sodium Bicarbonate and Mortality in Acute Kidney Injury Using Marginal Structural Cox Model.
Acute kidney injury with metabolic acidosis is common in critically ill patients. This study assessed the associations between the use of IV sodium bicarbonate and mortality of patients with acute kidney injury and acidosis. ⋯ In the analysis by adjusting for potential confounders, there is no evidence that IV sodium bicarbonate is beneficial for patients with acute kidney injury and acidosis. Although the study suggested potential beneficial effects in some highly selected subgroups, the results need to be validated in experimental trials.
Our objective was to obtain international consensus on a set of core outcome measures that should be recorded in all clinical trials of interventions intended to modify the duration of ventilation for invasively mechanically ventilated patients in the ICU. ⋯ We used rigorous and well-established methods to develop a core outcome set for use in all clinical trials evaluating interventions intended to modify duration of mechanical ventilation. This core outcome set will inform the design of future trials in this field by strengthening methodological quality and improving comparability across trials.
Critical care medicine · Oct 2019
Comparative StudyClinical Examination for the Prediction of Mortality in the Critically Ill: The Simple Intensive Care Studies-I.
Caregivers use clinical examination to timely recognize deterioration of a patient, yet data on the prognostic value of clinical examination are inconsistent. In the Simple Intensive Care Studies-I, we evaluated the association of clinical examination findings with 90-day mortality in critically ill patients. ⋯ Clinical examination has reasonable discriminative value for assessing 90-day mortality in acutely admitted ICU patients. In our study population, a single, protocolized clinical examination had similar prognostic abilities compared with the Simplified Acute Physiology Score-II and Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation-IV and outperformed the Sequential Organ Failure Assessment score.
Critical care medicine · Oct 2019
Observational StudyDischarge Destination As a Marker of Mobility Impairment in Survivors of Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome.
Discharge destination is a commonly used surrogate for long-term recovery in rehabilitation studies. We determined the accuracy of discharge destination as a surrogate marker for 6-month mobility impairment in acute respiratory distress syndrome survivors. ⋯ Discharge to a care facility was strongly associated with mobility impairment 6 months after acute respiratory distress syndrome but discharge destination alone performed poorly as a surrogate for mobility impairment.