Critical care medicine
Critical care medicine · Feb 2022
Use of the Molecular Adsorbent Recirculating System in Acute Liver Failure: Results of a Multicenter Propensity Score-Matched Study.
The molecular adsorbent recirculating system removes water-soluble and albumin-bound toxins and may be beneficial for acute liver failure patients. We compared the rates of 21-day transplant-free survival in acute liver failure patients receiving molecular adsorbent recirculating system therapy and patients receiving standard medical therapy. ⋯ Treatment with molecular adsorbent recirculating system is associated with increased 21-day transplant-free survival in acute liver failure and improves biochemical variables and hemodynamics, particularly in acetaminophen-acute liver failure.
Critical care medicine · Feb 2022
Randomized Controlled TrialLung- and Diaphragm-Protective Ventilation by Titrating Inspiratory Support to Diaphragm Effort: A Randomized Clinical Trial.
Lung- and diaphragm-protective ventilation is a novel concept that aims to limit the detrimental effects of mechanical ventilation on the diaphragm while remaining within limits of lung-protective ventilation. The premise is that low breathing effort under mechanical ventilation causes diaphragm atrophy, whereas excessive breathing effort induces diaphragm and lung injury. In a proof-of-concept study, we aimed to assess whether titration of inspiratory support based on diaphragm effort increases the time that patients have effort in a predefined "diaphragm-protective" range, without compromising lung-protective ventilation. ⋯ Titration of inspiratory support based on patient breathing effort greatly increased the time that patients had diaphragm effort in the predefined "diaphragm-protective" range without compromising tidal volumes and transpulmonary pressures. This study provides a strong rationale for further studies powered on patient-centered outcomes.
Critical care medicine · Feb 2022
Multicenter StudyViral Micro-RNAs Are Detected in the Early Systemic Response to Injury and Are Associated With Outcomes in Polytrauma Patients.
To evaluate early activation of latent viruses in polytrauma patients and consider prognostic value of viral micro-RNAs in these patients. ⋯ Viral micro-RNAs were detected within hours of injury and correlated with poor outcomes in polytrauma patients. Our findings suggest that transcription of viral micro-RNAs occurs early in the response to trauma and may be associated with the biological processes involved in polytrauma-induced complicated recovery.
Critical care medicine · Feb 2022
Phospholipid Screening Postcardiac Arrest Detects Decreased Plasma Lysophosphatidylcholine: Supplementation as a New Therapeutic Approach.
Cardiac arrest and subsequent resuscitation have been shown to deplete plasma phospholipids. This depletion of phospholipids in circulating plasma may contribute to organ damage postresuscitation. Our aim was to identify the diminishment of essential phospholipids in postresuscitation plasma and develop a novel therapeutic approach of supplementing these depleted phospholipids that are required to prevent organ dysfunction postcardiac arrest, which may lead to improved survival. ⋯ Our data suggest that decreased plasma lysophosphatidylcholine is a major contributor to mortality and brain damage postcardiac arrest, and its supplementation may be a novel therapeutic approach.