The Journal of cardiovascular nursing
Despite its established effectiveness, living with an implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) is associated with ongoing physical and psychosocial distress. Little is known about which factors impact the patients' adjustment to living with the device and whether there are racial or gender differences related to these factors. The purpose of this study was to investigate factors (demographic, clinical, psychosocial, and religiosity) related to patients' ICD acceptance and to examine racial and gender differences in ICD acceptance. ⋯ Although overall patient acceptance was high, AAs in the study had statistically significant lower mean total Florida Patient Acceptance Scale scores and Return to Function scores than whites did and higher Device-Related Distress scores. The strongest predictors of patient acceptance for the total group were shock anxiety, depressive symptoms, and device knowledge. African Americans had significantly lower device knowledge scores and higher shock anxiety scores than whites did. These findings suggest that ICD patients, especially AA ICD patients, may require education and psychosocial measures to enhance acceptance of their device. This study supports a holistic and culturally sensitive approach to focused clinical and psychological assessment and interventions for those living with this life-saving technology.
Multicenter Study
Validity and reliability of the caregiver contribution to self-care of heart failure index.
Caregivers make an important contribution to the self-care of patients with heart failure (HF), but few instruments are available to measure this contribution. ⋯ The CC-SCHFI showed good psychometric properties of validity and reliability and can be used to measure the contribution of caregiver to HF patient self-care.
Adults with congenitally malformed hearts have knowledge gaps regarding their heart condition, and their level of knowledge is not routinely assessed during follow-up. One reason for this is that there are few validated, user-friendly questionnaires to assess knowledge about congenital heart disease and its effects on daily life. Failure to identify low levels of knowledge could lead to less motivated and insecure individuals not actively involved in treatment and care of their heart condition. Therefore, the objective of this study was to develop and test a knowledge scale for adults with congenitally malformed hearts. ⋯ The KnoCoMH has acceptable psychometric properties for most of the knowledge domains included. It can be used for evaluating knowledge among adults with congenitally malformed hearts and its associations with other outcomes. However, further studies are advisable to test construct validity, predictive validity, and responsiveness.