Journal of Korean medical science
J. Korean Med. Sci. · Dec 2015
Changes in the Expressions of Iba1 and Calcitonin Gene-Related Peptide in Adjacent Lumbar Spinal Segments after Lumbar Disc Herniation in a Rat Model.
Lumbar disc herniation is commonly encountered in clinical practice and can induce sciatica due to mechanical and/or chemical irritation and the release of proinflammatory cytokines. However, symptoms are not confined to the affected spinal cord segment. The purpose of this study was to determine whether multisegmental molecular changes exist between adjacent lumbar spinal segments using a rat model of lumbar disc herniation. ⋯ It was found immunoreactivity for Iba1-positive microglia was higher in the L5 (P=0.004) dorsal horn and in the ipsilateral L4 (P=0.009), L6 (P=0.002), and S1 (P=0.002) dorsal horns in the NP-exposed group than in the sham-operated group. The expression of CGRP was also significantly higher in ipsilateral L3, L4, L6, and S1 segments and in L5 DRGs at 10 days after surgery in the NP-exposed group than in the sham-operated group (P<0.001). Our results indicate that lumbar disc herniation upregulates microglial activity and CGRP expression in many adjacent and ipsilateral lumbar spinal segments.
J. Korean Med. Sci. · Dec 2015
National Priority Setting of Clinical Practice Guidelines Development for Chronic Disease Management.
By November 2013, a total of 125 clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) have been developed in Korea. However, despite the high burden of diseases and the clinical importance of CPGs, most chronic diseases do not have available CPGs. Merely 83 CPGs are related to chronic diseases, and only 40 guidelines had been developed in the last 5 yr. ⋯ However, priorities have to be set and resources need to be allocated within the constraint of a limited funding. This study identifies the chronic diseases that should be prioritized for the development of CPGs in Korea. Through an objective assessment by using the analytic hierarchy process and a subjective assessment with a survey of expert opinion, high priorities were placed on ischemic heart disease, cerebrovascular diseases, Alzheimer's disease and other dementias, osteoarthritis, neck pain, chronic kidney disease, and cirrhosis of the liver.
J. Korean Med. Sci. · Dec 2015
Observational StudyThe Relationship between Clinical Outcome in Subarachnoidal Hemorrhage Patients with Emergency Medical Service Usage and Interhospital Transfer.
Prompt diagnosis and appropriate transport of patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) is critical. We aimed to study differences in clinical outcomes by emergency medical services (EMS) usage and interhospital transfer in patients with SAH. We analyzed the CAVAS (CArdioVAscular disease Surveillance) database which is an emergency department-based, national cohort of cardiovascular disease in Korea. ⋯ Among those, 258 used EMS and were transferred from another hospital, 686 used EMS only, 1,244 were transferred only, and 457 did not use EMS nor were transferred. In the regression analysis, mortality was higher in patients who used EMS and were transferred (OR 1.40, 95% CI 1.02-1.92), but neurologic disability was not meaningfully different by EMS usage and interhospital transfer. In Korea, SAH patients' mortality is higher in the case of EMS use or receiving interhospital transfer.
J. Korean Med. Sci. · Dec 2015
Clinical Performance of the 1st American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Clinical Guideline on Prevention of Symptomatic Pulmonary Embolism after Total Knee Arthroplasty in Korean Patients.
We sought to document the clinical performance of the 1st American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) guideline on the prevention of symptomatic pulmonary embolism (PE) after total knee arthroplasty (TKA) in Korean patients, in terms of the proportions of the each risk-stratified group, efficacy and safety. Consecutive 328 patients underwent TKA were preoperatively assessed for the risks of PE and bleeding and categorized into 4 groups: 1) standard risk, 2) high risk for PE, 3) high risk for bleeding, and 4) high risks both for PE and bleeding. One of three options was administered according to the groups (aspirin in group 1 or 4; enoxaparin and following aspirin in group 2; antithrombotic stocking in group 3). ⋯ No patient experienced symptomatic DVT or PE and major bleeding. Eleven percent of the patients discontinued chemoprophylaxis because of bleeding-related wound complication. In conclusion, the 1st AAOS guideline functions successfully in Korean patients undergoing TKA in terms of prevention of symptomatic DVT and PE while avoiding major bleeding complications.