Journal of Korean medical science
J. Korean Med. Sci. · Aug 2017
Identification of Downstream Genes of the mTOR Pathway that Predict Recurrence and Progression in Non-Muscle Invasive High-Grade Urothelial Carcinoma of the Bladder.
Microarray analysis was used to investigate the lack of identified mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) pathway downstream genes to overcome cross-talk at non-muscle invasive high-grade (HG)-urothelial carcinoma (UC) of the bladder, gene expression patterns, gene ontology, and gene clustering by triple (p70S6K, S6K, and eIF4E) small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) or rapamycin in 5637 and T24 cell lines. We selected mTOR pathway downstream genes that were suppressed by siRNAs more than 2-fold, or were up-regulated or down-regulated by rapamycin more than 2-fold. We validated mTOR downstream genes with immunohistochemistry using a tissue microarray (TMA) of 125 non-muscle invasive HG-UC patients and knockout study to evaluate the synergistic effect with rapamycin. ⋯ In an ATP7A knock-out model, rapamycin treatment synergistically inhibited cell viability, wound healing, and invasion ability compared to rapamycin only. Activity of the ANXA10 and ATP7A mTOR pathway downstream genes might predict recurrence and progression in non-muscle invasive HG-UC of the bladder. ATP7A knockout overcomes rapamycin cross-talk.
J. Korean Med. Sci. · Aug 2017
Recovery Rates of Non-Tuberculous Mycobacteria from Clinical Specimens Are Increasing in Korean Tertiary-Care Hospitals.
Non-tuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) are being recognized increasingly as the causative agents of opportunistic infections in humans. This study investigated the epidemiologic trends of NTM recovery from various clinical specimens in 2 Korean tertiary-care hospitals. We reviewed the laboratory records of patient samples cultured for mycobacteria between 2009 and 2015 at 2 tertiary-care hospitals in Korea. ⋯ The 2 most frequently isolated NTM were Mycobacterium intracellulare (38.3%) and M. avium (23.1%). The number of clinically significant diseases caused by NTM in inpatients and outpatients increased from 6.8 to 12.9 per 100,000 patients over the same period. The rates of recovery of NTM from clinical specimens and the number of patients with NTM infections increased significantly (P < 0.001, testing for trend) between 2009 and 2015.
J. Korean Med. Sci. · Aug 2017
Randomized Controlled TrialFeasibility and Safety of Mild Therapeutic Hypothermia in Poor-Grade Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: Prospective Pilot Study.
Therapeutic hypothermia (TH) improves the neurological outcome in patients after cardiac arrest and neonatal hypoxic brain injury. We studied the safety and feasibility of mild TH in patients with poor-grade subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) after successful treatment. Patients were allocated randomly to either the TH group (34.5°C) or control group after successful clipping or coil embolization. ⋯ Mild TH is feasible and can be safely used in patients with poor-grade SAH. Additionally, it may reduce the risk of vasospasm and DCI, improving the functional outcomes and reducing mortality. A larger randomized controlled trial is warranted.
The thousands of serial images used for medical pedagogy cannot be included in a printed book; they also cannot be efficiently handled by ordinary image viewer software. The purpose of this study was to provide browsing software to grasp serial medical images efficiently. The primary function of the newly programmed software was to select images using 3 types of interfaces: buttons or a horizontal scroll bar, a vertical scroll bar, and a checkbox. ⋯ The browsing software was downloadable for free from the homepage ( and available off-line. The data sets provided could be replaced by any developers for their educational achievements. We anticipate that the software will contribute to medical education by allowing users to browse a variety of images.
J. Korean Med. Sci. · Jul 2017
The Usefulness of Platelet-derived Microparticle as Biomarker of Antiplatelet Therapy in Kawasaki Disease.
Little is known about platelet dynamics and the effect of antiplatelet therapy in Kawasaki disease (KD). This study sought to define platelet activation dynamics in KD patients by assaying platelet-derived microparticles (PDMPs). We measured plasma PDMPs levels in 46 patients with KD using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). ⋯ However, PDMP levels rebounded after discontinuing aspirin in 17 patients. In conclusion, enhanced platelet activation was noted before treatment of KD and peaked immediately after IVIG treatment. Recurrent rising of PDMP levels was observed after discontinuing aspirin, although there were no significant differences between the PDMP levels at 2 months after the onset of KD and those at 4-5 months after the onset of the disease.