Critical care nursing quarterly
Cardiothoracio surgery patients routinely have pulmonary artery catheters with mixed venous oxygen saturation fiberoptios placed in the operating room. This monitoring capability allows for a continual assessment of the oxygen supply-demand balance. Critical care nurses are encouraged to use mixed venous oxygen saturation trends to the fullest potential. This is possible through the integration of oxygenation and hemodynamic data in both patient assessments and monitoring therapies.
Case Reports
Impact of technology of the critically ill: the utilization of mechanical ventricular assist devices.
The advancement of high technology in critical care has meant refined techniques in cardiac surgery, new pharmacologic agents, and promises for longer, higher-quality lives for many cardiac patients. This article describes the use of one of the most important technologic devices to assist the failing ventricle, the ventricular assist device. Topics addressed include historical perspective of the ventricular assist device, its indications and contraindications, the types of devices, potential complications, nursing implications, and a case study of a male patient with a ventricular assist device.
Family needs during the critical care experience of an adult member was the focus of this descriptive exploratory study conducted with 94 family members. The study describes the perceived needs of family members during the first 18 to 24 hours after admission of a patient to the critical care unit. The article further identifies the order in which the family perceived those needs to be met 36 to 48 hours after admission of that patient. ⋯ Items with which the family strongly agreed are discussed. The correlation between the CCFNI and the NMI is explicated. Also, the unusual finding of an inverse relationship between education and comfort/support statements is presented.
The headwall is the interface between the patient and critical care technology. This article lists headwall components, outlines various types of headwall systems, and discusses factors in selecting the type of headwall to support the desired model of care.