American journal of preventive medicine
Observational Study
Seasonal Variability in Weight Gain Among American Indian, Black, White, and Hispanic Children: A 3.5-Year Study.
Several studies have reported that children gain more weight during the summer season. Despite high obesity rates, little research has included American Indian/Alaskan Native children, and few studies have been longitudinal. This observational study examines seasonal weight variability over 3.5 years among ethnically diverse children, including 2,184 American Indian/Alaskan Native children. ⋯ Children gained significantly more weight during the summer season, with the strongest effects for children who were obese. American Indian/Alaskan Native children had less seasonal variability than White children, but higher overall obesity rates. These data underscore summer as a critical time for obesity prevention among children who are overweight/obese but suggest that seasonal patterns may vary for American Indian/Alaskan Native children.
E-cigarette use is increasing among adolescents, particularly in high-income countries. This review examines the health perceptions of E-cigarettes among adolescents (aged 12-17 years) residing in the U.S., United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand and their sources of E-cigarette information. ⋯ Findings indicate that adolescents, particularly E-cigarette users, have more favorable perceptions of E-cigarettes than of cigarettes; however, these perceptions are conflicting. Advertising, marketing, and peer and family networks appear to influence adolescents' perceptions. More research is required, particularly in Australia and New Zealand, to better understand adolescents' health perceptions of E-cigarettes and where they source information from so that misperceptions can be addressed through appropriate channels with suitable messaging.
System-level care coordination strategies can be the most effective to promote continuity of care among people with Alzheimer's disease; however, the evidence is lacking. The objective of this study is to determine whether accountable care organizations are associated with lower rates of potentially preventable hospitalizations for people with Alzheimer's disease and whether hospital accountable care organization affiliation is associated with reduced racial and ethnic disparities in preventable hospitalizations among patients with Alzheimer's disease. ⋯ Evidence suggests that accountable care organizations may be able to improve care coordination for people with Alzheimer's disease and to reduce disparities between Whites and African Americans. Further research is needed to determine whether this benefit can be attributed to accountable care organization formation or whether providers that participate in accountable care organizations tend to provide higher-quality care.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Motivational Interviewing in the Management of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Arterial Hypertension in Primary Health Care: An RCT.
Motivational interviewing is an effective style of collaborative communication for the promotion of lifestyle changes in the management of Type 2 diabetes and arterial hypertension. This study evaluates the effectiveness of motivational interviewing in the management of these conditions in primary health care. ⋯ In the context of primary health care, the nursing consultation based on motivational interviewing was shown to be a more effective care strategy than usual care for improving blood pressure levels and adherence levels in individuals with Type 2 diabetes and arterial hypertension. Moreover, motivational interviewing was demonstrated to be useful in reducing HbA1c levels in diabetes management.
The objective of this study is to identify county-level characteristics that may be high-impact targets for opioid and antibiotic interventions to improve dental prescribing. ⋯ Dental prescribing of opioids is decreasing, whereas dental antibiotic prescribing is increasing. High prescribing of antibiotics is associated with high prescribing of opioids. Strategies focused on optimizing dental antibiotics and opioids are needed given their impact on population health.