American journal of preventive medicine
Randomized Controlled Trial
Optimizing Texting Interventions for Melanoma Prevention and Early Detection: A Latin Square Crossover RCT.
Text messaging is an effective way to reach large populations with health promotion support. This study aims to establish the optimal text messaging intervention to achieve behavior change in young adults at risk of skin cancer. ⋯ Regular text messaging interventions result in significantly increased sun protection and decreased sunburn in young adults.
The 2010 Affordable Care Act required chain retail food establishments, including supermarkets, to post calorie information for prepared (i.e., ready to eat) foods. Implementation of calorie labeling could spur companies to reduce the calorie content of prepared foods, but few studies have explored this. This study evaluates the changes in the calorie content of prepared foods at 2 large U.S. supermarket chains after they implemented calorie labels in April 2017. ⋯ Implementing calorie labels could encourage product reformulation among some types of prepared supermarket foods. These supply-side changes could lead to reductions in caloric intake.
This study aims to determine the prevalence rates of nonpartner physical and sexual violence in men and women with different disabilities compared with those in people without disabilities. ⋯ This is one of the few studies globally reporting on the prevalence of nonpartner violence in both men and women with different disability types. It contributes information on the gender and relationships of those who perpetrated the violence. Findings highlight the need for violence prevention and intervention programs that are inclusive of and responsive to those with different disability types.
The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted healthcare services, reducing opportunities to conduct routine hepatitis C virus antibody screening, clinical care, and treatment. Therefore, people living with undiagnosed hepatitis C virus during the pandemic may later become identified at more advanced stages of the disease, leading to higher morbidity and mortality rates. Further, unidentified hepatitis C virus-infected individuals may continue to unknowingly transmit the virus to others. ⋯ During the COVID-19 pandemic, continued public health messaging, interventions and outreach programs to restore hepatitis C virus testing and treatment to prepandemic levels, and maintenance of public health efforts to eliminate hepatitis C infections remain important.
Greater availability of tobacco product retailers in an area may be associated with smoking behaviors, and the majority of people who smoke purchase their cigarettes at gas stations and convenience stores. This cross-sectional study investigates the associations of overall tobacco retailer density and gas/convenience density with adult smoking behaviors. ⋯ Tobacco retailer density, especially gas/convenience density, is correlated with daily smoking, the most harmful tobacco use behavior. Calculating tobacco retailer density using gas/convenience stores may be a feasible proxy for overall tobacco retailer density.