American journal of preventive medicine
During the COVID-19 pandemic, first responders were identified as a high-risk group for developing symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression, which are commonly associated with negative thoughts about oneself. This may pose risk to perceptions of work self-efficacy, an integral component of employee well-being and occupational functioning. In line with the Job Demands-Resources Model (Demerouti et al., 2001), the present study examined whether the degree to which first responders' perceived career calling (i.e., a "summons" to work) served as a protective factor in the relationship between PTSD symptoms associated with the COVID-19 pandemic and perceptions of self-efficacy in the workplace. ⋯ Perceiving a career calling may help protect first responders during COVID-19 from the deleterious effects of PTSD symptomatology on work self-efficacy. Prevention efforts targeting first responders with low calling strength may be warranted.
Regular participation in aerobic physical activity is associated with a reduced risk of dementia. It is currently unclear whether this association is due to the total volume or intensity of physical activity. ⋯ These results suggest that engaging in VPA as part of MVPA is associated with a lower risk of dementia.
Federal guidelines recommend physical activity throughout the day for preschool-aged children. Time playing outdoors can support physical activity participation, health, and development. Estimates of time playing outdoors among U.S. children aged 3-5 years have not been published. ⋯ Nearly 40% of preschool-aged children play outdoors for ≤1 hour per day on weekdays, with differences by sociodemographic and neighborhood characteristics. Further study and interventions focused on building supportive, equitable communities might increase the amount of time preschool-aged children spend playing outdoors.
Since May 2018, federal restaurant menu labeling regulations have required large U.S. chain restaurants to disclose calorie counts on menus. This study estimates the share of U.S. adults who notice calorie information on fast-food and sit-down restaurant menus and identifies the consumer characteristics that predict noticing calorie labels. ⋯ Approximately half of U.S. adults reported seeing calorie labels when they last ordered food in a fast-food or sit-down restaurant in 2022. Sex, income, marital status, and residential location influenced the likelihood of noticing calorie counts posted on restaurant menus.
Parks, Trails, and Greenways for Physical Activity: A Community Guide Systematic Economic Review.
This systematic economic review examined the cost-benefit and cost-effectiveness of park, trail, and greenway infrastructure interventions to increase physical activity or infrastructure use. ⋯ The evidence shows that economic benefits exceed the intervention cost of park, trail, and greenway infrastructure. Given large differences in the size of infrastructure, intervention costs and economic benefits varied substantially across studies. There was insufficient number of studies to determine the cost-effectiveness of these interventions.