Palliative medicine
Palliative medicine · Jul 1998
How do cancer patients who die at home differ from those who die elsewhere?
Our objective was to investigate how cancer patients who die at home differ from those who do not. A postbereavement survey of 229 people who registered the death of a random sample of cancer deaths in an inner London health authority was conducted. It was found that a fifth of patients (21%) died in their own home. ⋯ Having special equipment and stating a preference for place of death was associated with an increased likelihood of dying at home; using social and health services for social care was associated with a decreased likelihood of so doing. It was concluded that, as in previous studies, most patients who expressed a preference wanted a home death, but nearly half did not achieve this. Recognition of a preference for home death, providing the motivation to 'stick it out' at home, and adequate community support to provide the practical means to fulfil the preference, appear to be crucial in the achievement of a home death for all who desire it.
This paper traces the development and evaluation of day care hospice provision through analysis of the available literature. The CD-ROM was utilized to access and review the Medline, CINAHL and Healthstar databases. In addition, a hand search of Progress in Palliative Care was conducted. ⋯ The literature reveals little evaluation of evidence-based practice or of the cost-effectiveness of day hospice provision. There is a dearth of research relating to day care, evaluation studies in particular. It is clearly important that future research compares outcomes with other models of service provision.
Over a 4-month period, 218 Chinese patients with advanced cancer were admitted to a palliative care unit in Hong Kong. Ninety-five (44%) of them had pain. Of these 95, 70 (mean age 61.7 years) were evaluated with the visual analogue scale (VAS) and the numerical rating scale (NRS). ⋯ The most common primary tumour was lung cancer. NRS scores strongly correlated with corresponding VAS scores, suggesting that NRS can routinely be used for pain intensity assessment in the Chinese. The study also showed that 64% of these patients with pain had moderate to severe disabilities to the basic activity of daily living, although there was no correlation between the severity of pain and the severity of disability.
Terminal sedation is a phrase that has appeared in the palliative care literature in the last few years. There has not been a clear definition proposed for this term, nor has there been any agreement on the frequency with which the technique is used. A postal survey of 61 selected palliative care experts (59 physicians, two nurses) was carried out to examine their response to a proposed definition for 'terminal sedation', to estimate the frequency of this practice and the reasons for its use, to identify the drugs and dosages used, to determine the outcome, and to explore the decision-making process. ⋯ In conclusion, sedating agents are used by palliative care experts as tools for the management of symptoms. The term 'terminal sedation' should be abandoned and replaced with the phrase 'sedation for intractable distress in the dying'. Further research into the management of intractable symptoms and suffering is warranted.
Palliative medicine · Jul 1998
ReviewMeasuring quality of life for patients with terminal illness: the Missoula-VITAS quality of life index.
Quality of life (QOL) is an important outcome measure in caring for terminally ill patients. The Missoula-VITAS Quality of Life index (MVQOLI) has been developed to provide a measure of quality of life that is meaningful to both clinicians and patients. Unique features of the instrument include its focus on the terminal phase of life, the item structure and a scoring system that allows the weighting of each dimension of QOL by the respondent, and the subjective wording of the items that allows respondents to interpret the measured elements according to their own experience. ⋯ The instrument is designed to contribute to the task of planning care by evaluating patient-identified sources of distress, strength and satisfaction, including issues of life closure. This information contributes to crafting highly specific interventions. Further studies are necessary to determine the usefulness of the instrument in measuring outcomes of end-of-life care in nonhospice settings, and for racial and diagnostic groups under-represented in this sample.