Palliative medicine
Palliative medicine · Jul 2001
Comparative StudyA comparison of the palliative care needs of patients dying from chronic respiratory diseases and lung cancer.
This paper reports on data from the Regional Study of Care for the Dying, conducted in 1990, and compares symptoms, care and service utilization for patients with chronic lung diseases (CLD) and lung cancer (LC) in the final 12 months of life. Post-bereavement structured interviews were conducted with informal carers of 449 LC patients and 87 CLD patients. The LC patients were significantly younger than those with CLD (P = 0.001) and these respondents were more likely to have been a spouse (P = 0.034). ⋯ LC patients were reported to be more likely to have known they might die (76% LC vs 62% CLD, P = 0.003) and to have been told this by a hospital doctor (30% LC vs 8% CLD, P = 0.001). Among those that knew, LC patients were told earlier prior to death than CLD patients. This study suggests that patients with CLD at the end of life have physical and psychosocial needs at least as severe as patients with lung cancer.
Palliative medicine · Jul 2001
Clinical TrialSublingual fentanyl citrate for cancer-related breakthrough pain: a pilot study.
The effects of sublingual fentanyl citrate (SLFC) were assessed in 11 hospice inpatients with cancer-related breakthrough pain. Patients were asked to rate their pain, using a visual analogue scale, before SLFC, then after 3, 5, 10, 15, 30, 45 and 60 min. Six patients (55%) had reductions in pain scores at 10 min and nine patients (82%) at 15 min. ⋯ Seven patients (64%) said they would continue to use SLFC. Sublingual fentanyl citrate appears safe and well tolerated by these patients. Randomized placebo-controlled and dose ranging studies are required to confirm these findings.
Palliative medicine · Jul 2001
Letter Case ReportsGabapentin: resistant neuropathic pain and malignancy.
Palliative medicine · Jul 2001
Comparative Study Clinical TrialA study comparing hyoscine hydrobromide and glycopyrrolate in the treatment of death rattle.
This study looked at the efficacy of drug treatment in managing death rattle in a 30-bedded specialist palliative care unit. The study was conducted in two phases. In the first, patients received hyoscine hydrobromide as the antimuscarinic; glycopyrrolate was used in the second phase. ⋯ There was no statistically significant difference in improvement at 1 h, or at the last recorded score before death. A comparison of the cost of drug treatment using hyoscine or glycopyrrolate was made, and the potential reduction in cost per patient in the glycopyrrolate group was largely offset by increased expenditure on other drugs, especially diamorphine, midazolam and levomepromazine. The results of this study suggest that: (1) glycopyrrolate 0.2 mg is less effective at reducing death rattle than hyoscine hydrobromide 0.4 mg when assessed at 30 min, (2) the use of glycopyrrolate may lead to an increased need for other sedative or anti-emetic medication such as diamorphine, midazolam or levomepromazine, and (3) the cost benefit of using glycopyrrolate over hyoscine hydrobromide is a small part of the total drug budget, and may be less than anticipated due to the increased need of these other drugs.
Palliative medicine · Jul 2001
Multicenter StudyThe concerns of patients under palliative care and a heart failure clinic are not being met.
Patients with a terminal illness, identified by palliative care teams working in Manchester, and patients attending a heart failure clinic, were asked to participate in a prospective survey to determine their main concerns. Data were collected from 213 palliative care (PC) patients (mostly with cancer) and 66 patients with heart failure (HF). The median ages of the two patient groups were similar, but the HF patients were more likely to be male and living with a partner; 13% of PC and 7% of HF patients reported that they had no carer. ⋯ Clearly many patients' troublesome problems were not being addressed. As a result of this study, specific action by health care professionals was taken in 50% of PC patients and 71% of HF patients. We plan to target specific educational events on the treatment of physical problems, psychological assessment and social service provision.