Palliative medicine
Palliative medicine · Mar 2020
Medical and end-of-life decision making in adolescents' pre-heart transplant: A descriptive pilot study.
Adolescents and young adults undergoing heart transplantation experience risks of morbidity and mortality both pre- and post-transplant. To improve end-of-life care for this population, it is necessary to understand their medical and end-of-life decision-making preferences. ⋯ Although young people are involved in the decision to pursue heart transplantation, little attention is paid to involving them in discussions regarding end-of-life decision making in a manner that is consistent with individual preferences.
Palliative medicine · Mar 2020
Randomized Controlled TrialExamining key sociodemographic characteristics of adolescents and young adults with cancer: A post hoc analysis of the Promoting Resilience in Stress Management randomized clinical trial.
The "Promoting Resilience in Stress Management" intervention is a skills-based, early palliative care intervention with demonstrated efficacy in adolescents and young adults with cancer. ⋯ The "Promoting Resilience in Stress Management" intervention demonstrated a positive effect for the majority of outcomes regardless of sex, age, and race. It may not be as helpful for adolescents and young adults living in disadvantaged neighborhoods. Future studies must confirm its generalizability and integrate opportunities for improvement by targeting individual needs.
Palliative medicine · Mar 2020
Core outcome domains of pediatric palliative care for children with severe neurological impairment and their families: A qualitative interview study.
The interest in outcome measurement in pediatric palliative care is rising. To date, the majority of studies investigating relevant outcomes of pediatric palliative care focus on children with cancer. Insight is lacking, however, about relevant outcome domains for children with severe neurological impairment and their families. ⋯ As for other diagnostic groups, symptom control is a relevant outcome domain for children with severe neurological impairment. However, other outcome domains which focus on the whole family and take into account the long disease trajectory, such as respite and support, security, empowerment, and coping with the disease, are also crucial.
Palliative medicine · Mar 2020
"Can you tell me why you made that choice?": A qualitative study of the influences on treatment decisions in advance care planning among adolescents and young adults undergoing bone marrow transplant.
Adolescent and young adult advance care planning is beneficial in improving communication between patients, surrogates, and clinicians. The influences on treatment decisions among adolescents and young adults are underexplored in the literature. ⋯ This study highlights that adolescent and young adult bone marrow transplant patients are capable of meaningful deliberation about future treatment decisions. Influences on decision-making should be incorporated into advance care planning conversations to facilitate communication between patients and their surrogates. Longitudinal research is needed to explore these influences throughout the trajectory of illness.
Palliative medicine · Mar 2020
Describing the psychosocial profile and unmet support needs of parents caring for a child with a life-limiting condition: A cross-sectional study of caregiver-reported outcomes.
There is a lack of studies examining the prevalence and severity of psychosocial distress in parents caring for a child with life-limiting condition. More research is also needed to better understand the experience, support needs and quality-of-life of this population. ⋯ This study contributes to the growing body of evidence on paediatric palliative care, specifically that parents caring for a child with a life-limiting condition report high levels of distress and burden, low quality-of-life and need more emotional and practical support targeted at their unmet needs. Paediatric palliative care services should routinely assess parent mental health and provide appropriate support.