Palliative medicine
Palliative medicine · Jun 2022
Turkish imams and their role in decision-making in palliative care: A Directed Content and Narrative analysis.
Muslims are the largest religious minority in Europe. When confronted with life-threatening illness, they turn to their local imams for religious guidance. ⋯ Imams urge patients' relatives to show faith in God by seeking maximum treatment. This attitude is motivated by the fear that all Muslims involved will be held accountable by God for questioning His omnipotence to heal. Therefore, doctors may be urged to offer treatment that contradicts medical standards for good palliative care. To bridge this gap, tailor-made palliative care should be developed in collaboration with imams. Future research might include imams of other Muslim organizations.
Palliative medicine · Jun 2022
Meta AnalysisEfficacy of medicinal cannabis for appetite-related symptoms in people with cancer: A systematic review.
Anorexia (loss of appetite) is a prevalent and distressing symptom in people with cancer, with limited effective interventions. Medicinal cannabis has shown promise in improving appetite-related symptoms in people with cancer. ⋯ Evidence from RCTs that medicinal cannabis increases appetite in people with cancer is limited. Measures, outcomes and interventions were variable, and toxicities have not been comprehensively evaluated. Future research should carefully consider biological mechanisms to guide more nuanced selection of endpoints and interventions, including product, dose and administration.
Palliative medicine · Jun 2022
Impact of expected parental death on the health of adolescent and young adult children: A systematic review of the literature.
Few studies of health impacts of parental death focus on the developmental stage of adolescence and young adulthood and in particular, expected parental death from terminal illness. ⋯ This review specifically analysed the health impact of expected parental death on adolescent and young adult children. It highlights their need for age-appropriate psychosocial support and clear information during parental illness, death and bereavement.
Palliative medicine · Jun 2022
Pharmacovigilance in hospice/palliative care: Net effect of amitriptyline or nortriptyline on neuropathic pain: UTS/IMPACCT Rapid programme international consecutive cohort.
Real-world effectiveness of interventions in palliative care need to be systematically quantified to inform patient/clinical decisions. Neuropathic pain is prevalent and difficult to palliate. Tricyclic antidepressants have an established role for some neuropathic pain aetiologies, but this is less clear in palliative care. ⋯ Benefits favoured amitriptyline while harms were similar for both medications.