Pediatric nephrology : journal of the International Pediatric Nephrology Association
Case Reports
Management of patients with hemolytic uremic syndrome demonstrating severe azotemia but not anuria.
There are no specific indications for dialysis in a patient with typical hemolytic uremic syndrome (D + HUS) who does not have anuria, hyperkalemia, volume overload, or severe acidemia. We managed five patients with D + HUS, aged 1.5-14 years, without dialysis despite marked azotemia, because they were not anuric and because they had none of the acid-base, fluid, or electrolyte perturbations that may have been indications for dialysis. Each had markedly elevated blood urea nitrogen (range 137-234 mg/dl) and serum creatinine concentrations (range 5.4-15.4 mg/dl). ⋯ There were no complications and each recovered. We have reviewed the published literature on the use of dialysis in patients with D + HUS and have not found any guidelines that relate to the management of similar cases. It is our view that management of D + HUS patients without dialysis is appropriate when the patient is passing urine and the acid-base, serum electrolyte concentrations and fluid balances can be managed without dialysis.