Acta oncologica
Trastuzumab has shown activity in early breast cancer patients that overexpress HER2. Significant resources have to be allocated to finance this therapy, underlining the need for cost-effectiveness analysis. A model was set up, societal costs were calculated and the discount rate was 3%. ⋯ Including all resource use the figures were 8148 euros and 30,290 euros per LYG. Sensitivity analyses documented survival gain, price of trastuzumab, production gain and discount rate to be the major factors influencing cost-effectiveness ratio. Trastuzumab is indicated cost effective in Norway.
Review Practice Guideline
Techniques of tumour bed boost irradiation in breast conserving therapy: current evidence and suggested guidelines.
Breast conservation surgery followed by external beam radiotherapy to breast has become the standard of care in management of early carcinoma breast. A boost to the tumour bed after whole breast radiotherapy is employed in view of the pattern of tumour bed recurrences in the index quadrant and was particularly considered in patients with some adverse histopathological characteristics such as positive margins, extensive intraductal carcinoma (EIC), lymphovascular invasion dose in patients even without such factors and for all age groups. The maximum absolute reduction of local recurrences by the addition of boost is especially seen in young premenopausal patients. ⋯ A widespread application of these techniques might ultimately translate into improved local control with minimal cosmetic deficit. The present article discusses the role of radiotherapy boost and the means to delineate and deliver the same, identify the high risk group, optimal technique and the doses and fractionations to be used. It also discusses the extent of adverse cosmetic outcome after boost delivery, means to minimise it and relevance of tumour bed in present day scenario of advanced radiotherapy delivery techniques like Intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT).
Seminal advances in early detection of and treatment strategies for cancer have led to burgeoning numbers of cancer survivors. While most therapeutic modalities for cancer are beneficial and lifesaving, they are associated with adverse long-term and late sequelae. ⋯ Adverse sequelae contribute to burden of illness, health care costs, and decreased length and quality of survival. To-date, very few studies have compared survivor outcomes pre-and post diagnosis. It is critical to examine under-researched questions and understudied survivor groups. Regular follow-up care and monitoring of health status post cancer treatment should 1) permit the timely diagnosis and treatment of adverse outcomes; 2) enable timely diagnosis and treatment of recurrences; 3) facilitate screening and early detection of second cancer(s); 4) allow for detection and management of co-morbidities; and 5) provide the opportunity for preventive strategies such as lifestyle changes. Research findings to-date underscore the need for continued cancer survivorship research that will: inform our understanding of the mechanisms underlying adverse sequelae; lead to the design of less toxic treatments; test the effectiveness of interventions - medical, pharmacologic, and behavioral - that reduce adverse outcomes; test models of post-treatment follow-up care; develop an evidence base for optimal follow-up care practices; and inform survivor and provider decision making.
Cancer survivors are at increased risk of developing different co-morbid conditions. With an increasing number of long-term cancer survivors in the Nordic countries, the need for recommendations for long-term follow-up has become necessary. However, at present there are no general guidelines for follow-up in the Nordic countries. ⋯ There is a need for well-planned follow-up to manage and reduce possible treatment-related morbidity and mortality in cancer survivors. The Nordic countries provide excellent possibilities for relevant research, but lack, so far evidence-based guidelines. In agreement with the initiatives of ASCO the development of Survivor Care Plans is the first step to improve on this situation.
Addition of thoracic radiation therapy (TRT) to chemotherapy (CHT) can increase overall survival in patients with small cell lung cancer limited-disease (SCLC-LD). Accelerated fractionation and early concurrent platinum-based CHT, in combination with prophylactic cranial irradiation, represent up-front treatment for this group of patients. Optimised and tailored local and systemic treatment is important. ⋯ Medica survival was 20.8 months with no significant difference between the two groups. In conclusion, TRT with a total dose of 60 to 45 Gy is feasible with comparable toxicity and no difference in local control or survival. Distant metastasis is the main cause of death in this disease; the future challenge is thus further improvement of the systemic therapy combines with optimised local TRT.