Brain injury : [BI]
Brain injury : [BI] · Jan 2017
ReviewNeuroimaging of deployment-associated traumatic brain injury (TBI) with a focus on mild TBI (mTBI) since 2009.
A substantial body of recent research has aimed to better understand the clinical sequelae of military trauma through the application of advanced brain imaging procedures in Veteran populations. The primary objective of this review was to highlight a portion of these recent studies to demonstrate how imaging tools can be used to understand military-associated brain injury. ⋯ This information must be considered in the larger context of research into mTBI, including the potentially unique nature of blast exposure and the long-term consequences of mTBI.
Brain injury : [BI] · Jan 2017
Preliminary investigation of Brain Network Activation (BNA) and its clinical utility in sport-related concussion.
The clinical diagnosis and management of patients with sport-related concussion is largely dependent on subjectively reported symptoms, clinical examinations, cognitive, balance, vestibular and oculomotor testing. Consequently, there is an unmet need for objective assessment tools that can identify the injury from a physiological perspective and add an important layer of information to the clinician's decision-making process. ⋯ The data support the utility of BNA to augment clinical examinations, symptoms and additional tests by providing an effective method for evaluating objective electrophysiological changes associated with sport-related concussions.
Brain injury : [BI] · Jan 2017
A preliminary study of youth sport concussions: Parents' health literacy and knowledge of return-to-play protocol criteria.
To preliminarily explore parents' health literacy and knowledge of youth sport league rules involving concussion education and training, and return-to-play protocols. ⋯ Parents have a general understanding of how to identify concussion symptoms, but lack knowledge of immediate steps to take following an incident other than seeking medical help.
Brain injury : [BI] · Jan 2017
Multicenter StudyOutpatient follow-up after mild traumatic brain injury: Results of the UPFRONT-study.
To investigate outpatient follow-up after mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) by various medical specialists, for both hospitalized and non-hospitalized patients, and to study guideline adherence regarding hospital admission. ⋯ Two-thirds of all mTBI patients consult one or more specialists within six months after injury, with 30% having an unfavourable outcome. A quarter of non-hospitalized patients was seen at the outpatient neurology clinic, underling the importance of regular follow-up of mTBI patients irrespective of hospital admittance.
Brain injury : [BI] · Jan 2017
Neuropsychological test validity in Veterans presenting with subjective complaints of 'very severe' cognitive symptoms following mild traumatic brain injury.
This study explored the utility of combining data from measures of performance validity and symptom validity among Veterans undergoing neuropsychological evaluation for mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI). ⋯ Veterans with suspected mTBI who report 'very severe' cognitive impairment have a greater likelihood of putting forth sub-optimal effort on objective testing.