Fundamental & clinical pharmacology
Fundam Clin Pharmacol · Jun 2004
ReviewAssessment of patient-reported outcomes in clinical trials: the example of health-related quality of life.
As the patient is the primary recipient of treatment, there is a need to recognize and value the patient's perception of change in response to treatment in clinical trials. A new outcomes classification, patient-reported outcomes (PROs), has been proposed by regulators. The PROs are used as an umbrella term and include, for example measures of subjective symptoms, health-related quality of life (HRQL) and treatment satisfaction. ⋯ However, important issues of particular relevance to PRO assessments, such as missing values, multiple outcomes, and the statistical analysis, require careful attention. The thinking and planning involved in developing the PRO component of the clinical trial need to be articulated. Successful evaluation of PROs in clinical trials relies on careful planning provided the treatment shows sufficient effectiveness.
This paper reviews state-of-art statistical designs for dose-escalation procedures in first-into-man studies. The main focus will be on studies in oncology, as most statistical procedures for phase I trials have been proposed in this context. ⋯ The number of dose levels and cohort sizes used in early phase trials are considered. Finally, this paper raises some practical issues for dose-escalation procedures.
Fundam Clin Pharmacol · Jun 2004
Comparative Study Clinical TrialBlood pressure and heart rate variability changes during cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass.
This study investigated patients undergoing elective cardiac surgery to evaluate the effects of cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) on the spontaneous variability of mean arterial pressure (MAP) and heart rate (HR). Forty-one adult patients receiving different cardiovascular system drugs were included in the study. Patients were divided into three groups: no preoperative pharmacological cardiovascular treatment (n = 12), beta-blocker (BB) (n = 13), and angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition (ACEI) (n = 16). ⋯ LF spectral power of HR showed a large decrease after CPB in ACEI group (-89%). This study showed that MAP variability did not change during CPB in patients with no preoperative pharmacological cardiovascular treatment, suggesting an unaltered vascular control of MAP. Moreover, the change in LF spectral power of MAP in ACEI and BB groups, suggests that both the renin-angiotensin and sympathetic systems participate to the genesis of LF variability of MAP.