British journal of neurosurgery
Obtaining intra-operative watertight closure of the dura is considered important in reducing post-operative cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leak. The purpose of this study was to evaluate a fibrin sealant as an adjunct to sutured dural repair to obtain intra-operative watertight closure in cranial neurosurgery. ⋯ These results indicate that EVICEL® is effective as an adjunct to dural sutures to provide watertight closure of the dura mater in cranial surgery. The study confirmed the safety profile of EVICEL®.
A 21-year-old woman was found to have a dramatic intracranial space-occupying lesion found via CT scan performed to investigate headache. Craniotomy was performed and the mass found to be a chronic extradural haematoma, whose aetiology was likely to have been spontaneous, due to thrombocytopenia in infancy. Although this was removed, her recovery was complicated by the need to treat a contralateral delayed subdural haematoma.
Decompressive craniectomy (DC) is an option for the treatment of increased intracranial pressure resulting from an acute neurological insult, including insults caused by trauma. When the brain swelling has receded, the skull is reconstructed with a wide choice of materials, each with its own advantages and disadvantages in terms of cost, cosmetic appearance, biocompatibility, implant strength and complication rate. Autologous cranioplasty (AC), where the patient's own bone flap is stored and reutilised, is common in many countries. No outcome studies have, however, been published on this technique for traumatic injuries. ⋯ AC in the trauma setting is a valid treatment option with a complication rate that seems no worse than other alternatives.
Idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus (iNPH) is a shunt- reversible syndrome of the elderly. Shunt management is aimed at achieving a balance between clinical improvement and the complications associated with overdrainage. Although clinical improvement occurs at low pressure, these benefits may be negated by the increase in complication rates observed at lower pressures. The addition of gravity-switch devices has been shown to reduce over drainage problems even at a low valve pressure setting. At our centre the Miethke proGAV is used and commonly lowered below 5 cmH2O to gain further clinical improvement. ⋯ This study found that lowering the opening pressure of the proGAV shunt system to below 5cmH2O results in clinical improvement and does not significantly increase the complication rate in iNPH patients.
Acute traumatic coagulopathy (ATC) has been reported in the setting of isolated traumatic brain injury (iTBI) and associated with poor outcomes. Among patients with iTBI, we aimed to select an appropriate definition of ATC, outline the incidence of ATC and examine clinical variables associated with ATC. ⋯ An abnormal initial INR in the setting of iTBI was associated with poor outcomes, regardless of magnitude. The incidence of ATC appears too low to recommend empiric pro-coagulant management for all patients with iTBI. The subgroup of patients older than 50 yrs., with shock or abnormal size of pupils, may be considered for interventional trials of early treatment against ATC.