The European respiratory journal : official journal of the European Society for Clinical Respiratory Physiology
Comparative Study
Evaluation of ventilation maldistribution as an early indicator of lung disease in children with cystic fibrosis.
Many children with cystic fibrosis (CF), receiving modern, aggressive CF care, have normal spirometry results. This study aimed to see if homogeneity of ventilation distribution is impaired early in the course of CF lung disease, and if ventilation inhomogeneity is a more frequent finding than abnormal spirometry in children benefiting from modern CF care. The study compared spirometry findings to two indices of ventilation inhomogeneity (mixing ratio (MR) and lung clearance index (LCI)) from multiple-breath inert gas washout in 43 children with CF, aged 3-18 yrs, and 28 healthy children. ⋯ Nine of the 10 CF subjects with reduced FEV1 and 12/14 with abnormal MEF25 showed abnormal MR. Inert gas washout discloses airway dysfunction in the majority of children with cystic fibrosis with normal lung function judged by spirometry. These findings suggest that multiple-breath inert gas washout is of greater value than spirometry in detecting early cystic fibrosis lung disease.
The forced oscillation technique (FOT) is a noninvasive method with which to measure respiratory mechanics. FOT employs small-amplitude pressure oscillations superimposed on the normal breathing and therefore has the advantage over conventional lung function techniques that it does not require the performance of respiratory manoeuvres. The present European Respiratory Society Task Force Report describes the basic principle of the technique and gives guidelines for the application and interpretation of FOT as a routine lung function test in the clinical setting, for both adult and paediatric populations. ⋯ Forced oscillation technique has been shown to be as sensitive as spirometry in detecting impairments of lung function due to smoking or exposure to occupational hazards. Together with the minimal requirement for the subject's cooperation, this makes forced oscillation technique an ideal lung function test for epidemiological and field studies. Novel applications of forced oscillation technique in the clinical setting include the monitoring of respiratory mechanics during mechanical ventilation and sleep.
Over the last decade, improvements in surgical techniques, lung preservation, immunosuppression, and management of ischaemia/reperfusion injury and infections have made intermediate-term survival after lung transplantation an achievable goal. However, chronic allograft dysfunction in the form of bronchiolitis obliterans remains a major hurdle that threatens both the quality of life and long-term survival of the recipients. It affects up to 50-60% of patients who survive 5 yrs after surgery, and it accounts for >30% of all deaths occurring after the third postoperative year. This article discusses the alloimmune-dependent and -independent risk factors for bronchiolitis obliterans, the current understanding of the pathogenesis of bronchiolitis obliterans based on results of animal and human studies, the clinical staging of the complication, strategies that may contribute to the prevention and/or early detection of bronchiolitis obliterans, and suggestions for future research.
Comparative Study
Face mask spirometry and respiratory pressures in normal subjects.
Spirometry and maximal respiratory pressures are pulmonary function parameters commonly used to evaluate respiratory function. Prediction values are available for conventional lung function devices using a standard tube or flanged type of mouthpiece connection. This equipment is not suitable for patients with facial or buccal muscle weakness, because of air leakage around the mouthpiece. ⋯ Subsequently, new prediction values for face mask spirometry and maximal respiratory pressures were obtained from 252 other healthy subjects, from which new prediction equations were derived. It was concluded that the face mask connection to the lung function device is a valid alternative, is easy to use and is most useful to monitor changes in patients. This study confirms the importance of appropriate prediction equations, depending on subject-instrument interfaces.
The aim of this study was to determine the incidence and short-term outcome of mechanically ventilated children suffering from acute lung injury (ALI) on a paediatric intensive care unit (PICU). Between January 1 1998 and January 1 2000, all mechanically ventilated children were evaluated using the criteria of an American-European Consensus Conference. Of the 443 children eligible for analysis, 44 (9.9%) were diagnosed as suffering from ALI. ⋯ Most of the children with acute lung injury develop acute respiratory distress syndrome. In the acute respiratory distress syndrome subgroup, mortality is higher than in the acute lung injury nonacute respiratory distress syndrome subgroup. Further investigations should confirm prognostic factors (e.g. respiratory parameters) for prediction of outcome.