The European respiratory journal : official journal of the European Society for Clinical Respiratory Physiology
Symptomatic obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) has been proven to be a risk factor for hypertension and vascular dysfunction, and has been proposed to be causally related with cardiac arrhythmias and sudden cardiac death. Searches of bibliographical databases revealed that several mechanisms seem to underpin the association between OSA and cardiac arrhythmias: intermittent hypoxia associated with autonomic nervous system activation and increased oxidative stress, which may lead to cardiac cellular damage and alteration in myocardial excitability; recurrent arousals, resulting in sympathetic activation and coronary vasoconstriction; and increased negative intrathoracic pressure which may mechanically stretch the myocardial walls and, thus, promote acute changes in myocardial excitability as well as structural remodelling of the myocardium. ⋯ In conclusion, there is preliminary evidence that OSA is associated with the development of cardiac arrhythmias. Data from randomised controlled studies are needed to definitively clarify the role of OSA in arrhythmogenesis.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Water-based exercise in COPD with physical comorbidities: a randomised controlled trial.
Land-based exercise is often difficult for people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) who have coexisting obesity or musculoskeletal or neurological conditions. This randomised controlled trial aimed to determine the effectiveness of water-based exercise training in improving exercise capacity and quality of life compared to land-based exercise training and control (no exercise) in people with COPD and physical comorbidities. Participants referred to pulmonary rehabilitation were randomly allocated to a water-based exercise, land-based exercise or the control group. ⋯ Compared to controls, water-based exercise training significantly increased 6-min walking distance, incremental and endurance shuttle walk distances, and improved Chronic Respiratory Disease Questionnaire (CRDQ) dyspnoea and fatigue. Compared to land-based exercise training, water-based exercise training significantly increased incremental shuttle walk distance (mean difference 39 m, 95% CI 5-72 m), endurance shuttle walk distance (mean difference 228 m, 95% CI 19-438 m) and improved CRDQ fatigue. Water-based exercise training was significantly more effective than land-based exercise training and control in increasing peak and endurance exercise capacity and improving aspects of quality of life in people with COPD and physical comorbidities.
Confocal laser endomicroscopy is a novel endoscopic technique that may allow imaging of living cells in lung tissue in vivo. We assessed the potential of this technique for the detection of histology during screening bronchoscopy for lung cancer. 32 patients with suspected malignancies underwent bronchoscopy with endomicroscopy using acriflavine hydrochloride. Standardised areas and localised lesions were analysed by in vivo confocal imaging during bronchoscopy and biopsies were taken. ⋯ Neoplastic changes could be predicted with high accuracy (sensitivity 96.0%, specificity 87.1%, accuracy 91.0%). Confocal laser endomicroscopy with acriflavine is a novel diagnostic tool for the analysis of living cells during bronchoscopy and permits virtual histology of neoplastic changes in the airways with high accuracy. This technique may enable the rapid diagnosis of neoplasia during ongoing endoscopy in patients with suspected lung cancer.
Observational Study
Delamanid improves outcomes and reduces mortality in multidrug-resistant tuberculosis.
Multidrug-resistant and extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis (TB) are associated with worse treatment outcomes for patients, including higher mortality, than for drug-sensitive tuberculosis. Delamanid (OPC-67683) is a novel anti-TB medication with demonstrated activity against multidrug-resistant disease. Patients who participated in the previously reported randomised, placebo-controlled trial of delamanid and the subsequent open-label extension trial were eligible to participate in a 24-month observational study designed to capture treatment outcomes. ⋯ Mortality was reduced to 1.0% among those receiving long-term delamanid versus short-term/no delamanid (8.3%; p<0.001). Treatment benefit was also seen among patients with extensively drug-resistant TB. This analysis suggests that treatment with delamanid for 6 months in combination with an optimised background regimen can improve outcomes and reduce mortality among patients with both multidrug-resistant and extensively drug-resistant TB.
Overnight polysomnography (PSG) is an expensive procedure which can only be used in a minority of cases, although it remains the gold standard for the diagnosis of sleep disordered breathing (SDB). The objective of this study was to develop a simple, PSG-validated tool to screen SDB, thus reducing the use of PSG. For every participant we performed PSG and a sleep clinical record was completed. ⋯ The SCS was higher in the OSA syndrome group compared to the primary snoring group (8.1 ± 9.6 versus 0.4 ± 0.3, p<0.005), correlated with apnoea/hypopnoea index (p=0.001) and had a sensitivity of 96.05%. Positive and negative likelihood ratios were 2.91 and 0.06, respectively. SCS may effectively be used to screen patients as candidates for PSG study for suspected OSA syndrome, and to enable those with a mild form of SDB to receive early treatment.