European journal of clinical nutrition
To examine the influence of cardiorespiratory fitness on total and truncal fatness in children. It was hypothesised that high cardiorespiratory fitness would result in lower total and central obesity. ⋯ Central and total obesity were lower in overweight and obese children with high CRF. This is the first study to show that a high CRF may reduce the hazards of obesity in children.
Randomized Controlled Trial Clinical Trial
Immunoenhanced enteral nutrition, effect on inflammatory markers in head and neck cancer patients.
The aim of our study was to evaluate the effect of enteral nutrition supplemented with arginine in inflammatory markers in surgical head and neck cancer patients. A population of 29 patients with oral and laryngeal cancer were enrolled in a randomized trial. At surgery patients were randomly allocated to two groups: (a) patients receiving an enteral diet supplements with arginine (group I, n=14); (b) patients receiving an isocaloric, isonitrogenous enteral formula (group II, n=15). ⋯ Tumoral necrosis factor alpha and lymphocytes did not change. In conclusion, both formulas improved IL-6 and CRP levels. Further studies are needed to determine whether type of formula is the key in these patients or genetic background play a main role in inflammatory response.
To study the prevalence of vitamin D deficiency and to identify possible predictors of vitamin D deficiency in five main immigrant groups in Oslo. ⋯ There is widespread vitamin D deficiency in both men and women born in Turkey, Sri Lanka, Iran, Pakistan and Vietnam residing in Oslo. The prevalence of vitamin D deficiency is higher in women than in men, and it is higher in those born in Pakistan and lower in those born in Vietnam compared to the other ethnic groups. Fatty fish intake and cod liver oil supplements are important determinant factors of vitamin D status in the groups studied. BMI and education length are also important predictors in women.
Nutritional status and lifestyle can have profound effects on health. To analyse behaviour patterns in population subgroups of public health importance, we compared lifestyle, dietary intake of energy and selected nutrients, and nutritional biomarkers of type 1 diabetes (T1DM) patients and nondiabetic first-degree relatives against control subjects with no family history of T1DM. ⋯ This study provides first evidence indicating unhealthy dietary behaviours, which could even predispose to the development of diabetes and cardiovascular complications, in subjects living in Pisa. The combination of vitamin B9 and vitamin E deprivation could be deleterious for endothelial function, since these antioxidants have been implicated in the modulation of nitric oxide and eicosanoid signalling.