The Clinical neuropsychologist
Objective: The Inter Organizational Practice Committee (IOPC) convened a workgroup to provide rapid guidance about teleneuropsychology (TeleNP) in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Method: A collaborative panel of experts from major professional organizations developed provisional guidance for neuropsychological practice during the pandemic. The stakeholders included the American Academy of Clinical Neuropsychology/American Board of Clinical Neuropsychology, the National Academy of Neuropsychology, Division 40 of the American Psychological Association, the American Board of Professional Neuropsychology, and the American Psychological Association Services, Inc. ⋯ Conclusion: This document provides provisional guidance with links to resources and established guidelines for telepsychology. Specific recommendations extend these practices to TeleNP. These recommendations may be revised as circumstances evolve, with updates posted continuously at
Objective: To conduct an online survey in order to understand neuropsychology trainees' perspectives during the COVID-19 pandemic and identify pertinent concerns, training gaps, and recommendations. Method: A total of 874 neuropsychology trainees (81% female) completed the 69-item survey. Of the included trainees, 48% were doctoral students, 17% were interns, and 35% were postdoctoral residents (50% of resident respondents were in their first year). ⋯ Conclusions: The COVID-19 pandemic is impacting neuropsychological training and the well-being of trainees. This survey highlights the importance of communication with trainees during uncertain times. Based on the survey results, recommendations were developed to assist neuropsychology organizations in developing initiatives to support trainees during the current pandemic and in the future.
Objectives: In response to the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, traditional, in-person neuropsychological assessment services paused in most settings. Neuropsychologists have sought to establish new guidelines and care models using telehealth neuropsychology (teleNP) services. The need to adapt to remote technology became the most difficult challenge to date for existing practice models. ⋯ Specialists will need to consider the unique needs of their populations in ensuring quality care, as diagnostic differences and patient age will impact participation in teleNP. Conclusions: As the COVID-19 pandemic lingers, teleNP presents an opportunity as well as a challenge for neuropsychologists looking to provide patient care in the context of social distancing and stay-at-home restrictions. In this transformative time, the field of neuropsychology has opportunities to advance beyond traditional settings and focus on alternative delivery of patient care.
The purpose of this study was to examine individual postconcussion symptom [PCSx] trajectories following mild traumatic brain injury (MTBI), and to examine risk factors for persistent PCSx reporting. ⋯ The prevalence of those who met DSM-IV-TR symptom criteria for Postconcussional Disorder (PCD) was high in all three groups (e.g., 44.8-63.0%) and did not significantly change from baseline to follow-up (all ps>.05). However, there was substantial variability in individual symptom trajectories over time. The majority of participants had symptom trajectories classified as either 'persistent' (∼32-55%) or 'asymptomatic' (∼30-36%), with a substantial minority classified as 'improved' (∼7-12%) or 'developed' (∼7-19%). Factors associated with 'persistent' PCD trajectories included cognitive complaints, PTSD, depression, anxiety, pain, and headaches at baseline; but not the presence/absence of MTBI. Factors associated with 'developed' PCD trajectories included PTSD and the number of lifetime exposures to blast. Conclusions: Reporting of 'new' PCSx over time was common in individuals with and without MTBI. It would be erroneous to assume uncritically that PCSx reported many years post-injury reflect only persistent symptomatology, or can be solely attributable to the direct consequences of a brain injury.
"Return to duty" (RTD) is often used as an outcome metric in military concussion research, but is inconsistently defined across studies and presents several key problems to researchers. Using results from the Defense and Veterans Brain Injury Center's (DVBIC) Progressive Return to Activity (PRA) study, we highlight problems with RTD, and suggest solutions to inform future efforts. ⋯ Our data demonstrate challenges encountered with a RTD outcome metric. Military concussion researchers should strive to use a well-defined RTD outcome metric. We propose defining RTD as a return to deployment readiness. Further, researchers should utilize Department of Defense definitions of Individual Medical Readiness and Deployment Limiting conditions to increase specificity of a RTD outcome metric. Improving the way RTD is captured will improve confidence that tools used after a SM sustains concussion are adequately informing RTD decisions.