In vivo
Mouse leukemia L1210 cells selected for resistance to drugs targeted specifically at each of the protein subunits of ribonucleotide reductase were studied for their ability to grow in vivo. The life-span of the mice injected with hydroxyurea-resistant L1210 cells, which have elevated levels of the mRNA and protein for the non-heme iron (NHI, R2) subunit of ribonucleotide reductase, was approximately twice that of the mice injected with equal numbers of the parental wild-type L1210 leukemia cells. The life-span of mice injected with the L1210 cells that had alterations in the effector-binding subunit (EB, R1) was considerably shorter than the mice injected with the parental wild-type L1210 cells. These results provide direct evidence that tumor cells with alterations in the properties of ribonucleotide reductase grow differently in vivo, with defined effects on the host mouse that cause either an increased survival time or a decreased survival time compared to the effects of wild-type L1210 leukemia cells on tumor-bearing mice.