Journal of neurotrauma
Journal of neurotrauma · Mar 1992
Classification of civilian craniocerebral gunshot wounds: a multivariate analysis predictive of mortality.
Management of cerebral gunshot injuries has changed considerably since Cushing's (1916) and Matson's (1948) classification schemes, developed during World War I and World War II, respectively. These military injuries are characterized by either very high mass, low-velocity shrapnel wounds or by high muzzle velocity missiles causing extensive destruction of tissue. The preponderance of low muzzle velocity weapons seen in clinical practice and the availability of computed tomographic (CT) evaluation within minutes after presentation has altered the range of prognostic indicators available to the neurosurgeon and the amount of relative importance placed on each factor. ⋯ The patient population consists of 86% males and 14% females, with an age range of 10-72 years; 60% self-inflicted wounds and 32% patients who died en route or immediately upon arrival at the hospital. The overall mortality rate was 55% at 1 week postinjury. Although we have demonstrated an association between some previously defined factors and prognosis in civilian injury, such as admission Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) (p = 0.001) and initial pupillary response (p less than 0.001), we have also defined other significant predictors of outcome including abnormal coagulation states on admission (p less than 0.001) and the neuroradiologic examination.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
Journal of neurotrauma · Mar 1992
ReviewControl of intracranial pressure in patients with severe head injury.
Raised intracranial pressure (ICP) occurs at some time in 50-75% of severely head injured patients. Measurement of ICP alone is not sufficient. Arterial pressure must also be monitored: the important physiological variable is cerebral perfusion pressure. ⋯ Additional measurements of importance include brain electrical activity, arterial and jugular venous oxygen saturation, and blood flow velocity in major intracranial arteries measured by transcranial Doppler sonography. These assessments not only add information about the cause of intracranial hypertension (vascular vs. nonvascular) but also help to regulate therapy, providing early warning that a treatment for reducing the ICP is actually producing global brain ischemia. In the management of raised ICP, all correctable factors must first of all be dealt with, then a choice made between hypnotic drugs and osmotic therapy according to whether the cause of raised ICP is, respectively, vascular or nonvascular.
Journal of neurotrauma · Mar 1992
ReviewCerebral blood flow, cerebral blood volume, and cerebrovascular reactivity after severe head injury.
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) often causes disturbances of the cerebrovascular circulation, which contribute to the infliction of secondary injury, although the complex nature of the mechanisms involved is not fully understood. First, the role of ischemia in TBI is still controversial. Despite experimental and pathologic data suggesting important interactions between ischemia and trauma, evidence for posttraumatic ischemia with CBF measurements in patients so far had eluded most investigators. ⋯ Impairment of cerebrovascular CO2 reactivity and autoregulation often occurs after TBI. Although no correlation with the severity of injury or outcome has been established, it is obvious that diminished adaptive responses of the cerebral vasculature render the brain more vulnerable to additional systemic insults, such as derangements of blood pressure, altered rheology, or hypoxia. The posttraumatic status of vascular reactivity and autoregulation also has important implications with regard to the treatment of high ICP, in particular for the use of hyperventilation and pharmacologic management of blood pressure, which are discussed in detail.
Journal of neurotrauma · Mar 1992
ReviewExperimental models for spinal cord injury research: physical and physiological considerations.
This paper describes historical and current experimental models used to develop our current understanding of the biomechanics and pathophysiology of traumatic spinal cord injury; the advantages and limitations of current experimental models; considerations for selecting an appropriate injury model based on experimental objectives; and key physiological factors in the spinal cord injury response that may interact with the injury response and alter the outcome. All of the above must be considered in the development and selection of an appropriate experimental injury model that meets specific needs. Various experimental models have been developed to study spinal cord injury and the pathophysiological and physical mechanisms responsible for tissue damage and loss of function. ⋯ Also, experimental techniques, especially anesthesia, and surgical procedures, should be carefully reviewed for interactions with the injury response or potential therapeutic interventions to ensure validity of interpretation. It is hoped that data correlating physical spinal cord injury parameters with functional outcome will ultimately be combined with data on vertebral injury and spinal failure mechanics to further our understanding of clinical injury. Such approaches should lead to interventions that reduce the incidence and severity of traumatic human spinal cord injury.
Spinal cord injury models continue to be used to learn more about the pathophysiology of injury as well as potential therapeutic interventions. Most researchers now rely on rat models of injury with injury produced by impact, compression, or even photochemical techniques. A number of laboratories have confirmed that reproducible and graded injury can be produced in the rat with outcome monitored by behavioral, neurophysiologic, and morphologic analyses. ⋯ In addition, a new approach to therapy is being explored via implantation of cells into the injured spinal cord. Cell suspensions can be implanted in clinically relevant injury models without exacerbating the effects of injury and with some indications of beneficial effect. The potential usefulness of such an approach is just beginning to be evaluated.