Journal of neurotrauma
Journal of neurotrauma · Nov 2005
Ventricular enlargement after moderate or severe head injury: a frequent and neglected problem.
The primary goal of this study was to determine the incidence of post-traumatic ventriculomegaly (Evans' index > or = 0.30) in 95 head-injured patients with a Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) score of < or =13 at admission. Additional objectives were to determine the relationship between an increase in ventricular size and several clinical and radiological features and outcome. A planimetric study was carried out in the sequential control computed tomography (CT) scans of 34 moderately head-injured (GCS 9-13) and 61 severely head-injured (GCS 3-8) patients with a minimum follow-up of 2 months. ⋯ No relationship was found between post-traumatic ventriculomegaly and age, initial GCS score, the presence of SAH, or type of lesion (focal or diffuse). Post-traumatic ventriculomegaly was significantly correlated with outcome. Post-traumatic ventriculomegaly is a frequent and early finding in patients with moderate or severe traumatic brain injury.
Appropriate triage is critical to optimizing outcome from battle related injuries. The Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) is the primary means by which combat casualties, who have suffered head injury, are triaged. For the GCS to be reliable in this critical role, it must be applied accurately. ⋯ Finally, those with Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) certification performed significantly better than those without the training. Physician knowledge of the GCS, as demonstrated in this study, is poor, even in a population of individuals with specific training in the use of the scale. It is concluded that, to optimize outcome from combat related head injury, methods for improving accurate quantitation of neurologic state need to be explored.
Journal of neurotrauma · Nov 2005
Comparative StudyFunctional outcome scales in traumatic brain injury: a comparison of the Glasgow Outcome Scale (Extended) and the Functional Status Examination.
Clinical trials aimed at developing therapies for traumatic brain injury (TBI) require outcome measures that are reliable, validated, and easily administered. The most widely used of these measures, the Glasgow Outcome Scale (GOS) and the GOS-Extended (GOS-E), have been criticized as suffering from ceiling effects. In an attempt to develop a more useful and dynamic outcome measure, the Functional Status Examination (FSE) was developed, which grades outcome across 10 functional domains. ⋯ GCS correlated weakly with both outcome measures, but AIS/ISS did not. We conclude that FSE and GOS-E are reliable outcome measures for TBI survivors, and FSE may offer some advantages over GOS-E due its ability to provide a more detailed description of deficits. The majority of the variance in outcome is not accounted for by currently available measures of injury severity.
Journal of neurotrauma · Nov 2005
Randomized Controlled TrialHead position and impact direction in whiplash injuries: associations with MRI-verified lesions of ligaments and membranes in the upper cervical spine.
In the present study, we compared magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings of soft tissue structures in the upper cervical spine between whiplash-associated disorder (WAD) patients and population-based control persons, and examined whether MRI-verified abnormalities in WAD patients were related to accident-related factors hypothesized to be of importance for severity of injury. A total of 92 whiplash patients and 30 control persons, randomly drawn, were included. Information on the accident-related factors (i.e., head position and impact direction) was obtained by a questionnaire that was answered within 1 week after the accident. ⋯ Whiplash patients who had been sitting with their head/neck turned to one side at the moment of collision more often had high-grade lesions of the alar and transverse ligaments (p < 0.001, p = 0.040, respectively). Severe injuries to the transverse ligament and the posterior atlanto-occipital membrane were more common in front than in rear end collisions (p < 0.001, p = 0.001, respectively). In conclusion, the difference in MRI-verified lesions between WAD patients and control persons, and in particular the association with head position and impact direction at time of accident, indicate that these lesions are caused by the whiplash trauma.
Journal of neurotrauma · Nov 2005
Clinical TrialRole of decompressive surgery in the management of severe head injuries: prognostic factors and patient selection.
Decompressive surgery or craniectomy (DC) is a treatment option, which should be considered when the intracranial pressure (ICP) cannot be treated by conservative methods. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the benefits of decompressive craniectomy in patients with intractable posttraumatic intracranial hypertension and to evaluate the patient selection criteria for this management protocol. In this study, 100 patients with severe head injuries were involved. ⋯ The importance of initial GCS and age in patient outcomes were statistically significant. The presence of systemic injuries or mass lesions in outcomes were not statistically significant. Based on our findings, we conclude that patients with Glasgow Coma Scores of 6-8 are the best candidates for DC treatment.