Journal of neurotrauma
Journal of neurotrauma · Oct 2013
Multicenter StudyClassification Accuracy of Serum Apo A-I and S100B for the Diagnosis of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury and Prediction of Abnormal Initial Head Computed Tomography Scan.
The objective of the current study was to determine the classification accuracy of serum S100B and apolipoprotein (apoA-I) for mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) and abnormal initial head computed tomography (CT) scan, and to identify ethnic, racial, age, and sex variation in classification accuracy. We performed a prospective, multi-centered study of 787 patients with mTBI who presented to the emergency department within 6 h of injury and 467 controls who presented to the outpatient laboratory for routine blood work. Serum was analyzed for S100B and apoA-I. ⋯ There was significant age and race-related variation in the accuracy of S100B for the diagnosis of mTBI. The combined use of serum S100B and apoA-I maximizes classification accuracy for mTBI, but only S100B is needed to classify abnormal head CT scan. Because of significant subgroup variation in classification accuracy, age and race need to be considered when using S100B to classify subjects for mTBI.
Journal of neurotrauma · Oct 2013
Observational StudyIntracranial Pressure Monitoring in Severe Traumatic Brain Injury: Results from the American College of Surgeons Trauma Quality Improvement Program.
Although existing guidelines support the utilization of intracranial pressure (ICP) monitoring in patients with traumatic brain injury (TBI), the evidence suggesting benefit is limited. To evaluate the impact on outcome, we determined the relationship between ICP monitoring and mortality in centers participating in the American College of Surgeons Trauma Quality Improvement Program (TQIP). Data on 10,628 adults with severe TBI were derived from 155 TQIP centers over 2009-2011. ⋯ In this observational study, ICP monitoring utilization was associated with lower mortality. However, variability in ICP monitoring rates contributed only modestly to variability in institutional mortality rates. Identifying other institutional practices that impact on mortality is an important area for future research.
Journal of neurotrauma · Oct 2013
Cytokine Gene Polymorphisms and Outcome after Traumatic Brain Injury.
Clinical outcome after traumatic brain injury (TBI) is variable and cannot easily be predicted. There is increasing evidence to suggest that there may be genetic influences on outcome. Cytokines play an important role in mediating the inflammatory response provoked within the central nervous system after TBI. ⋯ In an initial screen of 11 cytokine gene single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) previously associated with disease susceptibility or outcome (TNFA -238 and -308, IL6 -174, -572 and -597, IL1A -889, IL1B -31, -511 and +3953, and TGFB -509 and -800), TNFA -308 was identified as having a likely association. The TNFA -308 SNP was further evaluated, and a significant association was identified, with 39% of allele 2 carriers having an unfavorable outcome compared with 31% of non-carriers (adjusted odds ratio 1.67, confidence interval 1.19-2.35, p=0.003). These findings are consistent with experimental and clinical data suggesting that neuroinflammation has an impact on clinical outcome after TBI and that tumor necrosis factor alpha plays an important role in this process.
Journal of neurotrauma · Oct 2013
A Prospective Evaluation of the Temporal Matrix Metalloproteinase Response after Severe Traumatic Brain Injury in Humans.
Abstract Accumulating pre-clinical data suggests that matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) expression plays a critical role in the pathophysiology of secondary brain injury. We conducted a prospective multimodal monitoring study in order to characterize the temporal MMP response after severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) in eight critically ill humans and its relationship with outcomes. High-cutoff, cerebral microdialysis (n=8); external ventricular drainage (n=3); and arterial and jugular venous bulb catheters were used to collect microdialysate, cerebrospinal fluid, and arterial and jugular bulb blood over 6 days. ⋯ Mean microdialysate levels of MMP-8 also rose with increasing intracranial pressure (ICP), whereas those of MMP-7 decreased with increasing cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP). Significant changes in the mean microdialysate concentrations of MMP-1, -2, -3, and -9 and MMP-1, -2, -3, -7, and -9 also occurred with increases in microdialysate glucose and the lactate/pyruvate ratio, respectively. These results imply that monitoring of MMPs following severe TBI in humans is feasible, and that their expression may be associated with clinical outcomes, ICP, CPP, and cerebral metabolism.
Journal of neurotrauma · Oct 2013
Association between the Cerebral Inflammatory and Matrix Metalloproteinase Responses after Severe Traumatic Brain Injury in Humans.
An increasing number of preclinical investigations have suggested that the degree of expression of the matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) family of endopeptidases may explain some of the variability in neurological damage after traumatic brain injury (TBI). As cytokines are a prominent stimulus for MMP expression in animals, we conducted a prospective multimodal monitoring study and determined their association with temporal MMP expression after severe TBI in eight critically ill adults. High cutoff, cerebral microdialysis (n=8); external ventricular drainage (n=3); and arterial and jugular venous bulb catheters were used to measure the concentration of nine cytokines and eight MMPs in microdialysate, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), and plasma over 6 days. ⋯ In contrast, the microdialysate level of MMP-7 decreased with increases in microdialysate concentrations of IL-1β, -2, and -6. These findings support the observations of animal studies that cross-talk exists between the neuroinflammatory and MMP responses after acute brain injury. Further study is needed to determine whether this link between cerebral inflammation and MMP expression may have clinical relevance to the care of patients with TBI.