Journal of neurotrauma
Journal of neurotrauma · Mar 2021
Relationship between Machine-Learning Image Classification of T2-Weighted Intramedullary Hypointensity on 3 Tesla Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Clinical Outcome in Dogs with Severe Spinal Cord Injury.
Early prognostic information in cases of severe spinal cord injury can aid treatment planning and stratification for clinical trials. Analysis of intraparenchymal signal change on magnetic resonance imaging has been suggested to inform outcome prediction in traumatic spinal cord injury. We hypothesized that intraparenchymal T2-weighted hypointensity would be associated with a lower potential for functional recovery and a higher risk of progressive neurological deterioration in dogs with acute, severe, naturally occurring spinal cord injury. ⋯ An image classification system, based on Speeded-Up Robust Features (SURF), was trained to recognize individual axial T2-weighted slices that contained hypointensity. The presence of such slices in a given transverse series was correlated with a lower chance of functional recovery (odds ratio [OR], 0.08; confidence interval [CI], 0.02-0.38; p < 10-3) and with a higher risk of neurological deterioration (OR, 0.14; 95% CI, 0.05-0.42; p < 10-3). Identification of intraparenchymal T2-weighted hypointensity in severe, naturally occurring spinal cord injury may be assisted by an image classification tool and is correlated with functional recovery.
Journal of neurotrauma · Mar 2021
Trends in Demographics and Markers of Injury Severity in Traumatic Cervical Spinal Cord Injury.
Over the past four decades, there have been progressive changes in the epidemiology of traumatic spinal cord injury (tSCI). We assessed trends in demographic and injury-related variables in traumatic cervical spinal cord injury (tCSCI) patients over an 18-year period at a single Level I trauma center. We included all magnetic resonance imaging-confirmed tCSCI patients ≥15 years of age for years 2001-2018. ⋯ In adjusted regression models, increase in age and decreases in prevalence of MVC mechanism and complete injuries over time remained statistically significant. Changes in demographic and injury-related characteristics of tCSCI patients over time may help explain the observed improvement in outcomes. Further, improved clinical outcomes and drop in IMLL may reflect improvements in initial risk assessment and pre-hospital management, advances in healthcare delivery, and preventive measures including public education.
Journal of neurotrauma · Mar 2021
Regionally specific human pre-oligodendrocyte progenitor cells produce both oligodendrocytes and neurons after transplantation in a chronically injured spinal cord rat model after glial scar ablation.
Chronic spinal cord injury (SCI) is a devastating medical condition. In the acute phase after injury, there is cell loss resulting in chronic axonal damage and loss of sensory and motor function including loss of oligodendrocytes that results in demyelination of axons and further dysfunction. In the chronic phase, the inhibitory environment within the lesion including the glial scar can arrest axonal growth and regeneration and can also potentially affect transplanted cells. ⋯ Twelve weeks after cell transplantation, we observed that more of the transplanted cells differentiated into oligodendrocytes when the glial scar was ablated compared with no GSA. Further, we also observed that a higher percentage of transplanted cells differentiated into V2a interneurons and motor neurons in the pre-OPCs only group when compared with GSA+pre-OPCs. This suggests that the local environment created by ablation of the glial scar may have a significant effect on the fate of cells transplanted into the injury site.
Journal of neurotrauma · Mar 2021
ReviewModels of Care Delivery From Rehabilitation to Community for Spinal Cord Injury: A Scoping Review.
Spinal cord injury (SCI) is a chronic condition that results in high healthcare utilization and lifetime cost across the care continuum. In the absence of a standardized model of care delivery for SCI in western countries such as Canada, a scoping review of the literature was performed to identify and summarize existing international SCI models of care delivery. Four databases were searched using key words and subject headings for concepts such as: "spinal cord injury," "delivery of healthcare," "model of care," "patient care planning," and "care pathway." Title, abstract, and full text review were competed by two independent reviewers. ⋯ No single SCI model of care has been adopted across different countries internationally. However, optimal attributes of models of care were identified, including the importance of having multidisciplinary SCI specialty care providers along the continuum, provision of rural SCI services and outreach, integration of primary care, peer mentoring, and using a hub and spokes model of care. These findings inform the future development of an SCI model of care, which ideally would serve all geographical locations and span the continuum of care, improving the health status and quality of life of persons with SCI.
Journal of neurotrauma · Mar 2021
Intensive locomotor training provides sustained alleviation of chronic spinal cord injury associated neuropathic pain: A 2-year preclinical study.
Neuropathic pain often accompanies the functional deficits associated with spinal cord injury (SCI) and further reduces a patient's quality of life. Clinical and pre-clinical research is beginning to highlight the beneficial role that rehabilitative therapies such as locomotor training can have not only on functional recovery but also on chronic pain management. Our group has previously developed an intensive locomotor training (ILT) treadmill protocol on rats that reduced SCI neuropathic pain symptoms for at least 3 months. ⋯ In addition, prolonged survival and improved locomotor outcomes were observed in rats undergoing ILT as the study longevity progressed. Potential contributory mechanisms underlying beneficial effects of ILT include reduced inflammation and restoration of anti-nociceptive inhibitory processes as indicated by neurochemical assays in spinal tissue of remaining rats at 2 years post-SCI. The benefits of chronic ILT suggest that long-term physical exercise therapy can produce powerful and prolonged management of neuropathic pain, partly through sustained reduction of spinal pathological processes.