Current opinion in anaesthesiology
Curr Opin Anaesthesiol · Aug 2014
ReviewSystemic lidocaine in surgical procedures: effects beyond sodium channel blockade.
This review presents current data on the systemic administration of lidocaine. The focus is on studies in the perioperative setting. In addition, there is a brief look at experimental data on the effect of lidocaine at the molecular level. ⋯ Positive effects on postoperative pain, as well as on bowel motility and hospital discharge time, have regularly been observed. However, contradictory findings have also been published. As almost all of the studies only include very small patient numbers, large multicenter investigations are needed.
Curr Opin Anaesthesiol · Aug 2014
ReviewManagement of right ventricular dysfunction in the perioperative setting.
This review summarizes the approach to and recent developments in the treatment of acute right ventricular dysfunction and failure in the perioperative setting. Right ventricular failure, defined as the inability to deliver sufficient blood flow through the pulmonary circulation at normal central venous pressure, is a common problem in the perioperative setting and is associated with an increased mortality. The failure of the right ventricle is caused by reduced right ventricular contractility or an increased right ventricular afterload or both. ⋯ Right ventricular dysfunction may cause venous congestion and systemic hypoperfusion. After identifying right ventricular dysfunction, the primary goal is to correct reversible causes of excessive load or reduced right-ventricular contractility. If the underlying abnormalities cannot be reversed, diuretic, vasodilator, or inotropic therapy may be required.
Curr Opin Anaesthesiol · Aug 2014
ReviewImportant issues for perioperative systemic antimicrobial prophylaxis in surgery.
Prevention of surgical site infections is a key issue to patient safety and the success of surgical interventions. Systemic antimicrobial prophylaxis is one important component of a perioperative infection prevention bundle. This review focuses on selected recent developments and important concepts in the field. ⋯ Most frequently, anaesthesiologists administer perioperative antimicrobial prophylaxis. Identification of core principles and harmonization of protocols should facilitate this task and thus help to improve patient safety and to monitor compliance. However, local and regional epidemiology have to be taken into account in order to establish local protocols.
Curr Opin Anaesthesiol · Aug 2014
ReviewIntraoperative MRI for neurosurgical and general surgical interventions.
The use of intraoperative magnetic resonance imaging (IMRI) during surgeries and procedures has expanded in the last decade. Not only is it becoming more commonly used for a variety of adult and pediatric neurosurgical procedures, but also its use has expanded to other types of surgeries. Along with using IMRI for removing tumors of the spinal cord, surgeons are now using it for other types of surgical operations of the kidney and liver. The increased utilization during the intraoperative period warrants the anesthesia provider to assure that patients and staff are unharmed because of increased risk of the powerful magnet. ⋯ IMRI is becoming increasingly more popular, especially with neurosurgeons, but its use is also expanding to other types of surgeries. Because of the increased use, the anesthesia provider must be aware of the dangers that it imposes to those involved and take necessary safety precautions. This will help assure that no one is harmed during the operation or procedure.
Curr Opin Anaesthesiol · Aug 2014
ReviewManagement of anaesthetic emergencies and complications outside the operating room.
Anesthesia outside the operating room is commonly uncomfortable and risky. In this setting, anesthetic emergencies or complications may occur. This review aims to report the most recent updates regarding the management of prehospital anesthesia, anesthesia in the trauma and emergency rooms, and anesthesia for endoscopy and interventional radiology. ⋯ Anesthesia outside the operating room requires careful monitoring to avoid side-effects and education of nonanaesthetists when they are involved. A useful tool is to continuously improve the protocols and checklists to make anesthesia in this setting safer.