Current opinion in anaesthesiology
Childhood obesity is a public health emergency that has reached a pandemic level and imposed a massive economic burden on healthcare systems. Our objective was to provide an update on (1) challenges of obesity definition and classification in the perioperative setting, (2) challenges of perioperative patient positioning and vascular access, (3) perioperative implications of childhood obesity, (3) anesthetic medication dosing and opioid-sparing techniques in obese children, and (4) research gaps in perioperative childhood obesity research including a call to action. ⋯ Anesthesiologists and surgeons will continue to be confronted with an unprecedented number of obese or overweight children with a high risk of perioperative complications.
Curr Opin Anaesthesiol · Jun 2021
ReviewPatients with psychiatric disease: implications for anesthesiologists.
Psychiatric illness is common in patients presenting for surgery. Overall health and surgical outcomes are adversely affected by the presence of psychiatric comorbidities. ⋯ From our review of the recent literature we continue to support the continuation of psychoactive agents in the perioperative period, taking into consideration the effects these agents have on concomitant drug use in the perioperative period; and the risks of withholding them at a high-stress time.
Curr Opin Anaesthesiol · Jun 2021
ReviewAdvances in anesthetic and obstetric management of patients with placenta accreta spectrum.
The incidence of placenta accreta spectrum is increasing and it is a leading cause of peripartum hysterectomy and massive postpartum hemorrhage. The purpose of the present article is to provide a contemporary overview of placenta accreta spectrum pertinent to the obstetric anesthesiologist. ⋯ Accurate diagnosis and early antenatal planning among team members are essential. Obstetric anesthesiologists should be prepared to manage a massive hemorrhage, transfusion, and associated coagulopathy. Increasingly, viscoelastic tests are being used to assess coagulation status and the ability to interpret these results is required to guide the transfusion regimen. Balloon occlusion of the abdominal aorta has been proposed as an intervention that could improve outcomes in women with placenta accreta spectrum, but high-quality safety and efficacy data are lacking.
Curr Opin Anaesthesiol · Jun 2021
Review Practice GuidelineManagement of maternal COVID-19: considerations for anesthesiologists.
To describe updates to pragmatic recommendations that were published during the first coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) surge, including the current thinking about whether pregnancy worsens the severity of COVID-19. ⋯ Initial recommendations to provide early neuraxial labor analgesia and avoid general anesthesia for cesarean delivery have not changed over time. Although workflows have significantly changed to allow continued patient and healthcare workers' safety, clinical anesthesia protocols for labor and delivery are essentially the same.
Curr Opin Anaesthesiol · Jun 2021
ReviewPeripartum optimization and coordination of collaborative care practice: a critical role for the obstetric anesthesiologist in combating maternal morbidity and mortality.
Antenatal anesthesia clinics remain uncommon despite the rising incidence of maternal morbidity and mortality in the United States. The purpose of the present review is to outline the major considerations and challenges surrounding antenatal anesthetic evaluation. ⋯ Obstetric anesthesiologists have a critical role not only in preoperative patient optimization but also in coordinating multidisciplinary care for optimal patient outcomes.