Current opinion in anaesthesiology
Curr Opin Anaesthesiol · Aug 2021
Review Meta AnalysisDrugs in anesthesia: preventing postoperative nausea and vomiting.
Postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV) continues to be a burden for patients, medical staff and healthcare facilities because of inadequate adherence to available recommendations. This review gives an overview on recent recommendations, new evidence and remaining issues in the field of PONV management. ⋯ Numerous drug (combinations) and strategies are available for PONV management. New and very effective (single) drugs could result in a simplification compared with a combination of several drugs, and thus lead to better implementation.
Curr Opin Anaesthesiol · Aug 2021
ReviewAdvanced endoscopic gastrointestinal techniques for the bariatric patient: implications for the anesthesia provider.
The incidence of obesity and the use of endoscopy have risen concurrently throughout the 21st century. Bariatric patients may present to the endoscopy suite for primary treatments as well as preoperatively and postoperatively from bariatric surgery. However, over the past 10 years, endoscopic bariatric and metabolic therapies (EBMTs) have emerged as viable alternatives to more invasive surgical approaches for weight loss. ⋯ Obesity causes anatomic and physiologic changes to every aspect of the human body. All EBMTs have specific nuances with important implications for the anesthesiologist. By considering both patient and procedural factors, the anesthesiologist will be able to perform a safe and effective anesthetic.
Posttraumatic bleeding following major trauma is life threatening for the patient and remains a major global health issue. Bleeding after major trauma is worsened by trauma-induced coagulopathy (TIC). TIC consists of acute trauma coagulopathy and resuscitation coagulopathy. The early diagnosis and management of prehospital TIC management are challenging. ⋯ Due to different national guidelines and regulations of blood component therapies there is a wide heterogeneity in concepts of prehospital damage control resuscitation. Tranexamic acid administration is widely accepted, whereas the transfusion of whole blood, blood components, or coagulations factors needs further examination in the civilian setting.
Severe bleeding events, which require blood transfusions, are a challenge faced by many critical care physicians on a daily basis. Current transfusion guidelines generally recommend rather strict transfusion thresholds and strategies, which can appear opposing to a patient in need for urgent transfusion at first sight. Moreover, applied guidelines are lacking evidence and specificity for the typical ICU patient population and its comorbidities. Transfusion decisions, which are pivotal for clinical outcome, are often unsatisfactorily based on hemoglobin levels only. ⋯ The body of evidence for ICU-specific transfusion guidelines is scarce. Critical care physicians should properly evaluate their patient's comorbidities and consider extended point-of-care testing for transfusion decisions in indistinct anemic situations. A strict transfusion strategy should, however, be applied whenever possible.
Curr Opin Anaesthesiol · Aug 2021
ReviewPatient monitoring in the nonoperating room anesthesia (NORA) setting: current advances in technology.
Nonoperating room anesthesia (NORA) procedures continue to increase in type and complexity as procedural medicine makes technical advances. Patients presenting for NORA procedures are also older and sicker than ever. Commensurate with the requirements of procedural medicine, anesthetic monitoring must meet the American Society of Anesthesiologists standards for basic monitoring. ⋯ NORA procedures constitute a growing percentage of total administered anesthetics. There is no difference in the monitoring standard between that of an anesthetic administered in an operating room and a NORA location. Anesthesiologists in the NORA setting must have the same compendium of monitors available as do their colleagues working in the operating suite.