Current opinion in anaesthesiology
Curr Opin Anaesthesiol · Dec 2022
ReviewChecklists and cognitive aids: underutilized and under-researched tools to promote patient safety and optimize clinician performance.
Checklists and other cognitive aids serve multiple purposes in the peri-operative setting and have become nearly ubiquitous in healthcare. This review lays out the evidence for their use, shortcomings and pitfalls to be aware of, and how technology and innovation may improve checklist and cognitive aid relevance and usability. ⋯ Cognitive aids like checklists are powerful tools in the perioperative and critical care setting. Further research and innovation may elevate what is possible by improving the usability and relevance of these tools, possibly translating into improved patient outcomes.
Curr Opin Anaesthesiol · Dec 2022
ReviewModern preoperative evaluation in ambulatory surgery - who, where and how?
Ambulatory surgery is increasingly performed in medically complex patients. This dynamic environment requires new approaches to ensure cost-effective, efficient, and ultimately safe preoperative evaluation of the patient. This review investigates recent advances in the assessment of ambulatory patients, with a special focus on patient screening, digital communication, and multidisciplinary team evaluation. ⋯ The increasing complexity of treatment provided in day surgery offers a unique opportunity to highlight the importance of anesthesiology staff as perioperative caregivers. Preoperative evaluation serves as a central junction to integrate a variety of surgical, medical, and institutional factors to provide safe, satisfactory, and efficient care for patients. Implementing technological innovation to streamline and facilitate this process is paramount.
The particular fields within patient blood management (PBM) and patient safety reviewed here include novel insights into bleeding therapy, autologous cell salvage, and perioperative anemia therapy. ⋯ PBM should be further implemented in more hospitals. Emicizumab and Mim8 are indicated in acquired hemophilia or hemophilia A with inhibitors. TXA was confirmed to reduce bleeding. Autologous cell salvage is state of the art to reduce transfusion requirements in major cardiac and noncardiac surgery. Serum phosphate concentrations should be monitored after administration of intravenous iron compounds.
Curr Opin Anaesthesiol · Dec 2022
ReviewAmbulatory anesthesia and discharge: an update around guidelines and trends.
Provide an oversight of recent changes in same-day discharge (SDD) of patient following surgery/anesthesia. ⋯ The increasing adoption of enhanced protocols, including the entire perioperative care bundle, in combination with increased use of minimally invasive surgical techniques have shortened hospital stay. More intermediate procedures are today transferred to ambulatory pathways; SDD or overnight stay only. The traditional scores for assessing discharge eligibility are however still valid. Stable vital signs, awake and oriented, able to ambulate with acceptable pain, and postoperative nausea and vomiting are always needed. Drinking and voiding must be acknowledged but mandatory. Escort and someone at home the first night following surgery are strongly recommended. Explicit information around postoperative care and how to contact healthcare in case of need, as well as a follow-up call day after surgery, are likewise of importance. Mobile apps and remote monitoring are techniques increasingly used to improve postoperative follow-up.
The purpose of this narrative review is to give an overview about the effects of multimodal prehabilitation and current existing and prospectively planned studies. The potential efficacy of exercise in the context of prehabilitation ranges from preoperatively improving patients' functional capacity to inducing cellular mechanisms that affect organ perfusion via endothelial regeneration, anti-inflammatory processes and tumour defense. ⋯ The concept of prehabilitation contains the features, namely preoperative exercise, nutritional intervention and psychological support. Preoperative exercise holds potential molecular effects that can be utilized in the perioperative period in order to improve patients' postoperative outcome. Future multimodal prehabilitation trials must specifically clarify the clinical impact of this concept on patients' quality of life after major cancer surgery and cancer-specific survival.