Current opinion in anaesthesiology
With an aging cardiac surgery population, prefrail and frail patients are becoming more common. Anesthesiologists will be faced with the decision of how best to provide care to frail patients. Identification, management, and outcomes in frail patients will be discussed in this review. ⋯ As frailty will likely only increase amongst cardiac surgery patients, it is important to develop multicenter trials to study management and treatment options. Until those studies are performed, the care of frail cardiac surgery patients may be best provided by high-volume surgical centers with expertise in the management of frail patients.
Curr Opin Anaesthesiol · Feb 2022
ReviewAnesthesia for tracheal and carinal resection and reconstruction.
The aim of this review is to provide an overview of current anesthetic management of tracheal and carinal resection and reconstruction. ⋯ The spectrum of available anesthetic techniques for major airway surgery is immense. To find the safest approach for the individual patient, comprehensive interdisciplinary planning is essential. The location and anatomic consistency of the stenosis, comorbidities, the functional status of respiratory system, as well as the planned reconstructive technique need to be considered. Until more data is available, however, a reliable evidence-based comparison of different approaches is not possible.
Curr Opin Anaesthesiol · Feb 2022
ReviewDonation after cardiac death in heart transplantation: is there an ethical dilemma?
In an attempt to address the organ shortages in heart transplantation, USA centres have begun utilizing donation after cardiac death (DCD) as an alternative to traditional donation after brain death (DBD). As this paradigm continues to expand, there is a need to address the medico-legal and ethical aspects of DCD donation, which is the focus of the current review. ⋯ In the current article, we review the ethical issues raised with DCD and define DCD protocols and their ability to comply with established regulatory guidelines while respecting the wishes of patients and their surrogates through informed decisions making about organ donation and end-of-life care.
Curr Opin Anaesthesiol · Feb 2022
ReviewShould fluid management in thoracic surgery be goal directed?
To find a reliable answer to the question in the title: Should fluid management in thoracic surgery be goal directed? ⋯ Although the evidence level is low, GDT is generally associated with fewer postoperative complications. It can be helpful in decision-making for volume-optimization, timing of fluid administration, and indication of vasoactive agents.
Curr Opin Anaesthesiol · Feb 2022
ReviewMechanical circulatory support devices in geriatric patients: more than just age.
The use of mechanical circulatory support (MCS) devices, such as left ventricular assist device and extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in the elderly have been rapidly increasing in various clinical settings over the past two decades. This review briefly summarizes recent literature on the role and outcomes of such mechanical circulatory support devices use in the elderly. ⋯ MCS device use continue to rise in the elderly population. Meticulously selected elderly patients could be successfully supported with MCS devices with favorable outcomes and acceptable mortality and complication rate.