Current opinion in anaesthesiology
Cesarean section is the most frequent surgical intervention, and pain following cesarean delivery unfortunately remains a common issue. The purpose of this article is to highlight the most effective and efficient options for postcesarean analgesia and to summarize current guidelines. ⋯ Adequate analgesia following cesarean delivery is still underused. Simple measures, such as multimodal analgesia regimens should be standardized according to institutional circumstances and defined as part of a treatment plan. Neuraxial morphine should be used whenever possible. If it cannot be used, abdominal wall blocks or surgical wound infiltration are good alternatives.
Curr Opin Anaesthesiol · Jun 2023
ReviewCurrent hemoglobin thresholds in pediatric anesthesia - guidelines and studies.
The use of restrictive transfusion triggers to avoid unnecessary transfusions is one important pillar of Patient Blood Management (PBM). For the safe application of this principle in pediatric patients, anesthesiologists need evidence-based guidelines for hemoglobin (Hb) transfusions thresholds in this specially vulnerable age-group. ⋯ Two high-quality studies confirmed that the use of restrictive transfusion triggers in preterm infants in the intensive care unit (ICU) is reasonable and feasible. Unfortunately, no recent prospective study could be found investigating intraoperative transfusion triggers. Some observational studies showed wide variability in Hb levels before transfusion, a tendency toward restrictive transfusion practices in preterm infants, and liberal transfusion practices in older infants. Although there are comprehensive and useful guidelines for clinical practice in pediatric transfusion, most of them do not cover the intraoperative period in particular because of a lack of high-quality studies. This lack of prospective randomized trials focusing on intraoperative transfusion management remains a major problem for the application of pediatric PBM.
In 1989, the United Nations passed the 'Convention on the Rights of the Child' (UNCRC) and, among others claimed the highest attainable standard of health for children and consequently the highest level of safety and quality in paediatric anaesthesia. SAFETOTS (Safe Anesthesia For Every Tot, ), an initiative of international active paediatric anaesthetists, has derived 10 rights, the '10 R' of children undergoing anaesthesia care, which are critical for the well being of the child. ⋯ This article will explain these statutes of children's rights and their implications for everyday paediatric anaesthesia. Furthermore, it will also express the institutional and political changes that are needed to guarantee children their right to enjoy the highest attainable standard of health.
Curr Opin Anaesthesiol · Jun 2023
ReviewRetailoring training programmes in anaesthesia and intensive care after the coronavirus disease 2019 outbreak.
In this review, we want to collect all the adaptations that anaesthesiology training has faced because of the health crisis and social distancing measures resulting from coronavirus 2019 disease (COVID-19). We reviewed new teaching tools launched during the COVID-19 outbreak worldwide and particularly those implemented by the European Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care (ESAIC) and the European Association of Cardiothoracic Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care (EACTAIC). ⋯ The COVID-19 pandemic has altered profoundly the functioning of health systems worldwide. Anaesthesiologists and trainees have fought on the front lines of the battle against COVID-19. As a result, training in anaesthesiology during the last 2 years has focused on managing patients in intensive care. New training programmes have been designed to continue teaching residents of this speciality, focusing on e-learning and advanced simulation. It is necessary to present a review describing the impact that this turbulent period has had on the different subsections of anaesthesiology and to review the innovative measures that have been implemented to address these possible deficits in education and training.
Curr Opin Anaesthesiol · Jun 2023
ReviewBeyond mortality: definitions and benchmarks of outcome standards in paediatric anaesthesiology.
The aim of this study was to review the evolution of safety and outcomes in paediatric anaesthesia, identify gaps in quality and how these gaps may influence outcomes, and to propose a plan to address these challenges through the creation of universal outcome standards and a paediatric anaesthesia designation programme. ⋯ Although the literature supports dramatic improvements in patient safety during anaesthesia, there are still gaps, particularly in where a child receives anaesthesia care and in quality outcomes beyond mortality. Our goal is to increase equity in care, create standardized outcome measures in paediatric anaesthesia and build a verification system to ensure that these targets are accomplished. The time has come to benchmark paediatric anaesthesia care and increase quality received by all children with universal measures that go beyond simply mortality.