Journal of pharmacy practice
Nationally, the prescription of opioids for acute and chronic pain is increasing. As opioid use continues to expand and become of increased concern for health-care practitioners, so do the adverse effects and long-term management of those effects. ⋯ However, chronic pain management often extends beyond this 12-week boundary, resulting in health-care professionals questioning the safety and efficacy of continued treatment with OIC agents. This review evaluates available literature on long-term treatment of OIC in patients with chronic noncancer pain with lubiprostone, naloxegol, and methylnaltrexone as well as preliminary results of the recently completed naldemedine long-term trial, COMPOSE-3.
Fluid resuscitation, to restore intravascular volume and improve oxygen delivery, is a crucial step in early resuscitation efforts of patients with sepsis or septic shock. The 2016 Surviving Sepsis Campaign guidelines suggest the use of dynamic versus static measures of fluid responsiveness and fluid resuscitation with at least 30 mL/kg of intravenous crystalloid within the first 3 hours followed by fluid administration if hemodynamic factors continue to improve. ⋯ These studies are limited by variations in their methodologic design; therefore, cause and effect cannot yet be determined. Future multicenter, randomized, controlled studies that evaluate fluid balance and fluid volume need to be conducted to clarify the role of fluid administration to patients with sepsis to maximize benefits and minimize risk.
Multicenter Study Observational Study
Prospective Observational Evaluation of Sedation and Pain Management Guideline Adherence Across New Jersey Intensive Care Units.
The practice guidelines for the management of pain, agitation, and delirium (PAD) from the Society of Critical Care Medicine shifted from primarily focusing on the treatment of anxiety in 2002 to the treatment of pain in 2013. ⋯ Current sedation practices suggest that integration of evidence-based PAD guidelines across New Jersey adult ICUs is inconsistent despite pharmacist involvement.