Brain topography
Investigating the brain of migraine patients in the pain-free interval may shed light on the basic cerebral abnormality of migraine, in other words, the liability of the brain to generate migraine attacks from time to time. Twenty unmedicated "migraine without aura" patients and a matched group of healthy controls were investigated in this explorative study. 19-channel EEG was recorded against the linked ears reference and was on-line digitized. 60 x 2-s epochs of eyes-closed, waking-relaxed activity were subjected to spectral analysis and a source localization method, low resolution electromagnetic tomography (LORETA). Absolute power was computed for 19 electrodes and four frequency bands (delta: 1.5-3.5 Hz, theta: 4.0-7.5 Hz, alpha: 8.0-12.5 Hz, beta: 13.0-25.0 Hz). ⋯ Neither spectral analysis, nor LORETA revealed statistically significant differences in the delta, theta, and beta bands. LORETA revealed the anatomical distribution of the cortical sources (generators) of the EEG abnormalities in migraine. The findings characterize the state of the cerebral cortex in the pain-free interval and might be suitable for planning forthcoming investigations.