Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges
Comparative Study
Academic versus non-academic women physicians: data from the Women Physicians' Health Study.
To help encourage women physicians to enter academe, the authors gathered information about how academic and non-academic women physicians (AWPs and NAWPs) differed demographically, personally, and professionally. ⋯ AWPs who come from a somewhat narrow demographic group, may not provide the variety of role models necessary for encouraging ethnic diversity in medical schools. Despite somewhat greater reported work hardships, AWPs are a very professionally satisfied and motivated group.
The preclinical years of medical education have rich potential for preparing medical students to provide optimal end-of-life care. Most of the opportunities and settings for this education already exist in the curricula of most medical schools, although they are underutilized for this purpose. In this report The Working Group on the Pre-clinical Years of the National Consensus Conference on Medical Education for Care Near the End of Life identifies the most promising settings and suggests how they might be used for maximum benefit in end-of-life education. ⋯ A centralized group should oversee educational activities related to end-of-life care at each medical school. This group would identify and facilitate teaching opportunities in the preclinical curriculum: basic science courses; problem-based learning seminars; courses in interviewing, the doctor-patient relationship, and introduction to clinical medicine; courses in ethics, humanities, and the social-behavioral sciences; clinical preceptorships; and longitudinal experiences with patients. The group would also assess the potential impact of the "hidden curriculum."
The language people use both makes possible and constrains the thoughts they can have. More than just a vehicle for ideas, language shapes ideas--and the practices that follow from them. Thus, in medical education, teaching students how to talk about medical cases also teaches them how to think about patients and medical work, and how to define their relationships to both. ⋯ Rhetoric is one science that can deepen understanding of communication and improve teaching of this clinical skill. Rhetoric systematically studies the relationships between communication and its effects, between how things are named and how they are experienced, between discourse and socialization. Bringing language to the foreground of education, rhetoric directs attention to the relationship between what medical students learn to say and what they learn to value, believe, and practice.