Rehabilitation psychology
Rehabilitation psychology · Feb 2014
Exploring the longitudinal stability of the CSQ24 in a back pain population.
The CSQ24 is a shortened version of the Coping Strategies Questionnaire and includes 24 items and four factors-Catastrophizing, Diversion, Reinterpreting, and Cognitive Coping. The factor structure of the CSQ has been a matter for debate for some time. This study aimed to explore the stability of the factor structure of the CSQ24 using repeated measurements in a back pain population at assessment, after physiotherapy treatment, and at 6 and 12 months after treatment. ⋯ These results provide support for the 4-factor structure of the CSQ24 and its longitudinal stability. Argument is provided for the need to explore the longitudinal stability of related tools in populations that undergo change as a result of treatment.
Rehabilitation psychology · Feb 2014
Traumatic brain injury and PTSD screening efforts evaluated using latent class analysis.
To empirically identify latent classes of service members according to persistent postconcussive symptom patterns and to characterize the identified classes relative to other postdeployment variables including posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and mild traumatic brain injury (TBI) screening results. Such comparisons may directly inform policy regarding these routine assessments and translate to improved treatment decisions. ⋯ Findings suggest that the routinely administered PDHA and PDHRA appear to underestimate the true prevalence of service members experiencing postdeployment health problems. Supplemental items or an alternative screening algorithm incorporating persistent postconcussive symptoms may enable identification of additional cases requiring treatment following return from deployment.