Journal of internal medicine
The interplay between innate and adaptive immunity is central in life-threatening clinical complications of atherosclerosis such as myocardial infarction and stroke. The specific mechanisms involved and their protective versus detrimental effects in the disease process remain poorly understood. We have previously shown that higher levels of Toll-like receptor 7 (TLR7) expression in human atherosclerotic lesions are correlated with better patient outcome. ⋯ Our findings show that TLR7 stimulation could ameliorate atherosclerotic lesion burden and reduce plasma cholesterol in Apoe-/- mice. TLR7 stimulation was associated with an atheroprotective B-cell and Treg response, which may have systemic and local effects within lesions that could prevent arterial lipid accumulation and inflammation.
The disproportionate obesity in African American (AA) women has a physiologic basis and can be explained by the interactive effects of insulin secretion, insulin clearance, insulin sensitivity and the glycaemic load of the diet. This review will present data supporting a physiologic basis for obesity propensity in obesity-prone AA women that resides in their unique metabolic/endocrine phenotype: high beta-cell responsiveness, low hepatic insulin extraction and relatively high insulin sensitivity, which together result in a high exposure of tissues and organs to insulin. When combined with a high-glycaemic (HG) diet (that stimulates insulin secretion), this underlying propensity to obesity becomes manifest, as ingested calories are diverted from energy production to storage. ⋯ Greater bioenergetic efficiency has been reported in AA and, via resultant oxidative damage, could plausibly contribute to insulin resistance. In summary, it is proposed here that a subset of AA women are predisposed to obesity due to a specific metabolic/endocrine phenotype. However, greater diabetes risk in AA has an independent aetiology based on impaired lipid storage and mitochondrial efficiency/oxidative stress.
Type 2 diabetes is more common in non-Europeans and starts at a younger age and at lower BMI cut-offs. This review discusses the insights from genetic studies about pathophysiological mechanisms which determine risk of disease with a focus on the role of adiposity and body fat distribution in ethnic disparity in risk of type 2 diabetes. ⋯ One possible mechanism suggested by epidemiological studies is the role of ethnic difference in body fat distribution. Using genetic variants associated with an ability to store extra fat in a safe place, which is subcutaneous adipose tissue, we discuss how different ethnic groups could be genetically less susceptible to type 2 diabetes by developing a more favourable fat distribution.
The prevalence of type 2 diabetes (T2D) is higher in black Africans than their European counterparts. This review summarizes the research exploring the pathogenesis of T2D in populations of African ancestry compared to white Europeans and shows that the pathogenesis differs by ethnicity. Black Africans present with a phenotype of low insulin sensitivity and hyperinsulinaemia as a result of increased insulin secretion and reduced hepatic insulin clearance. ⋯ Importantly, ethnic disparities in T2D risk factors may be confounded by differences in sociocultural and lifestyle factors. Future longitudinal and dietary intervention studies, in combination with genetic analyses, are needed for a better understanding of the pathophysiology of T2D in black Africans. This will be key for effective prevention and management strategies.
Male reproductive health and intergenerational metabolic responses from a small RNA perspective.
The world has recently experienced a decline in male reproductive (e.g. sperm counts and motility) and metabolic (e.g. obesity and diabetes) health. Accumulated evidence from animal models also shows that the metabolic health of the father may influence the metabolic health in his offspring. Vectors for such paternal intergenerational metabolic responses (IGMRs) involve small noncoding RNAs (sncRNAs) that often increase in spermatozoa during the last days of maturation in the epididymis. ⋯ Together, this suggests that there are overlapping aetiologies between the male metabolic syndrome, male factor infertility and intergenerational responses. In this review, we present a theoretical framework for an overlap of these aetiologies by exploring the advances in our understanding of the roles of sncRNA in spermatogenesis and offspring development. A special focus will lie on novel findings about tRNA-derived small RNA (tsRNA), rRNA-derived small RNA (rsRNA) and small mitochondrial RNA (mitoRNA), and their emerging roles in intergenerational metabolic and reproductive health.