Journal of anesthesia
Journal of anesthesia · Aug 2022
Review Meta AnalysisInterpreting and assessing confidence in network meta-analysis results: an introduction for clinicians.
We aimed to provide clinicians with introductory guidance for interpreting and assessing confidence in on Network meta-analysis (NMA) results. ⋯ We recommend a careful approach to interpreting NMA results and the validity of an NMA depends on its underlying statistical assumptions and the quality of the evidence used in the NMA.
Journal of anesthesia · Aug 2022
Review Case ReportsAn unusual foreign body in the oral cavity: a case report from a patient safety point of view and literature review.
Accidental foreign bodies (FBs) in the oral cavity, airway, esophagus and breathing circuit associated with anesthetic procedures are rare but can cause serious and life-threatening complications. We here present a case in which an unusual FB in the oral cavity was found after emergence from general anesthesia. ⋯ We then performed a review of the literature on FBs other than those of dental origin which were entrapped in the oral cavity, pharynx, larynx, trachea, esophagus, and anesthetic breathing circuit due to anesthetic procedures. From our case and 53 cases found in the search, we concluded that 1) use of disposable medical devices is recommended, 2) FBs can easily migrate into the oral cavity and airway during anesthesia, 3) delayed FB recognition may be associated with difficult intubation situations, and 4) more attention should be paid to the possibility of any medical or non-medical device becoming an FB during anesthesia.
Journal of anesthesia · Jun 2022
Review Meta AnalysisDural puncture epidural versus conventional epidural analgesia for labor: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled studies.
Dural puncture epidural (DPE) technique is a modification of the conventional epidural (EP) technique in that the dura is intentionally punctured with a spinal needle but without any spinal injection. This meta-analysis aimed to evaluate the benefits and risks associated with the DPE technique for labor analgesia. Randomized trials comparing DPE analgesia with EP analgesia for labor pain relief were systematically searched in the database of Medline, Embase, Cochrane Controlled Trials Register, Web of Science, and China Biology Medicine till 1st August 2021. ⋯ No adverse event was found with DPE analgesia. We conclude that compared with EP analgesia, DPE analgesia is beneficial for labor pain relief by shortening the time to achieve satisfactory pain control. Meanwhile, DPE analgesia is not associated with increased adverse maternal/fetal events.
Journal of anesthesia · Jun 2022
Review Meta AnalysisDural puncture epidural versus conventional epidural analgesia for labor: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled studies.
Dural puncture epidural (DPE) technique is a modification of the conventional epidural (EP) technique in that the dura is intentionally punctured with a spinal needle but without any spinal injection. This meta-analysis aimed to evaluate the benefits and risks associated with the DPE technique for labor analgesia. Randomized trials comparing DPE analgesia with EP analgesia for labor pain relief were systematically searched in the database of Medline, Embase, Cochrane Controlled Trials Register, Web of Science, and China Biology Medicine till 1st August 2021. ⋯ No adverse event was found with DPE analgesia. We conclude that compared with EP analgesia, DPE analgesia is beneficial for labor pain relief by shortening the time to achieve satisfactory pain control. Meanwhile, DPE analgesia is not associated with increased adverse maternal/fetal events.
Journal of anesthesia · Apr 2022
Meta AnalysisUltrasound-guided quadratus lumborum block for postoperative analgesia in renal surgery: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.
Quadratus lumborum block (QLB) guided by ultrasound is a novel local block anesthesia technique, which can be used in various surgeries for multimodal analgesia. Its analgesic effectiveness for renal surgery is still uncertain. The aim of this meta-analysis was to assess the postoperative analgesic efficacy of QLB in adult patients undergoing renal surgery. ⋯ PROSPERO Registration CRD42021260821.