Der Schmerz
The success of radiofrequency ablation (RF) of the medial branch of the dorsal ramus in patients with facet joint pain depends on the effective coagulation distance. To date, computed tomography(CT)-guided techniques do not reach the nerve in parallel but rather than punctually. We report a new CT-guided technique to enhance parallelism and proximity of the RF needle to the nerve. ⋯ We could demonstrate that the principle of parallelism and proximity of the needle to the nerve could be fulfilled with this new technique; however, needle positioning requires practice due to the oblique puncture direction.
Owing to a rise of psychosomatic comorbidities, the treatment of psychological disorders, which may negatively impact prognosis and therapy, is increasingly becoming a focus of attention for pain outpatient clinics. ⋯ The constant presence of a liaison psychiatrist allows for timely, specialised care of pain patients in terms of a multimodal therapeutic approach.
Recurring pain in children and adolescents can have a negative impact on health and well-being. This study investigates recurring headache, abdominal pain, and back pain in children and adolescents in Thuringia. Data is based on a representative sub-sample from the federal state module Thuringia (2010-2012, n = 4096, 3-17 years), carried out in KiGGS wave 1 (first follow-up interview of the "German Health Interview and Examination Survey for Children and Adolescents"). ⋯ Compared to peers in the whole of Germany, girls and boys in Thuringia did not report headache, abdominal pain, and back pain in the previous 3 months more frequently. The investigated associated factors-fair to very poor self-rated health, emotional problems such as anxiety and depressive symptoms, chronic diseases and other health complaints, migraine, use of a general medical practice, as well as practices for orthopedics and neurology, and in-patient treatment at a hospital-were positively related to the 3‑month prevalence of recurrent headache, abdominal pain, and back pain. Overall, the results confirm that recurring pain is a common phenomenon in childhood and adolescents and, therefore, underline the public health relevance of pain in this young age group.
Subcutaneous peripheral nerve field stimulation (sPNFS) is an established procedure for the treatment of chronic localized neuropathic pain of peripheral origin. The treatment of nummular headache primarily focuses on conservative methods with limited prospects of success. The role of sPNFS in the treatment of nummular headache has not been investigated as yet. ⋯ sPNFS stimulates free subcutaneous nerves and transmits a pleasant form of paraesthesia in the area of pain. If regular conservative therapy has already been exhausted, then sPNFS might be an effective new option in the treatment of nummular headache. sPNFS is a minimally invasive and low-risk procedure. However, the high treatment cost and restrictions regarding fitness to undergo MRI are points of criticism. Further studies are needed to define its potential and role in the treatment of nummular headache.