Annals of medicine
Thyroid hormones are key regulators of several physiological processes, including differentiation, embryonic development, proliferation, and metabolism. Several prospective studies have shown a relationship between hyperthyroidism and cancer incidence; however, since the association between thyroid hormone levels and lung cancer remains controversial, this study aimed to determine the correlation between the same. ⋯ Our study highlights the possibility of using thyroid hormones as innovative diagnostic markers for lung cancer.
Meta Analysis
Associations between weather conditions and osteoarthritis pain: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Although there is an assertion that weather conditions affect osteoarthritis (OA) pain, the results from clinical studies remain inconsistent. This meta-analysis was performed to evaluate the association between weather conditions and OA pain. ⋯ In this study, weather factors in general were significantly associated with OA pain. It may provide useful references for the daily health management of OA. More studies designed with the consistent meteorological condition are warranted to validate the findings.KEY MESSAGEMany people with osteoarthritis think their joint pain is affected by the weather, while the association between OA pain and weather conditions is still unclear.This is a systematic review and meta-analysis of 14 observational studies for the association between weather conditions and OA pain.Weather conditions appear to be associated with OA pain. Barometric pressure and relative humidity were positively correlated to OA pain intensity, while temperature was negatively correlated to OA pain.
Multicenter Study
Serotype distribution of Streptococcus pneumoniae and pneumococcal vaccine coverage in adults in Turkey between 2015 and 2018.
To evaluate the serotype distribution and antibiotic resistance in pneumococcal infections in adults and to provide a perspective regarding serotype coverage of both current and future pneumococcal vaccines. ⋯ The results revealed that novel PCV vaccines may provide improved coverage as compared with the currently available vaccine, PCV13. The significant antibiotic resistance rates imply the need to extend the serotype coverage of the vaccines. Continuing the surveillance in pneumococcal diseases is critical to explore the serotype distribution and incidence changes of IPD cases in the population and to inform policy makers to make necessary improvements in the national immunization programmes.Key messagesThis multicentre study demonstrated the most recent serotype distribution and antibiotic resistance in adult population in Turkey.Shifting from PCV13 to novel conjugated vaccines will significantly increase the coverage.Continuing the surveillance in pneumococcal diseases is critical to explore the serotype distribution changes and the incidence of cases with invasive pneumococcal disease in the population.
This study aimed to evaluate test-retest reliability and convergent validity of the Korean Infant Sensory Profile 2 (K-ISP2) and explore whether the sensory processing of infants differs according to age, gender, and culture. ⋯ This study provides reliability and validity evidence of the K-ISP2. Normative data of K-ISP2 total score can be established regardless of age or gender. The ISP2 has showed similar psychometric properties for populations of both Korea and the United States.KEY MESSAGESSensory processing is a fundamental component for adaptive responses to environment and begins to develop before birth.The Korean Infant Sensory Profile 2 (K-ISP2) can be used to assess sensory processing patterns of Korean infants, with evidence of reliability and validity.Total scores of the K-ISP2 can be interpreted with one normative data set regardless of age and gender.
Hantavirus infection is the main cause of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS), which is common in Asia and Europe. There is a considerable risk of morbidity and mortality from the uncommon Hantavirus complication known as acute pancreatitis (AP). ⋯ Our findings indicate that HFRS patients with a history of consuming alcohol, a high lym%, intense proteinuria, high levels of FDPs, and a low level of D-dimer might be more prone to the development of AP.KEY MESSAGESThis is the first report employing Logistic regression analysis methods for exploring the risk factors for HFRS complicated with AP in China.Many factors (most are laboratory parameters) were significantly associated with HFRS complicated with AP.We found that HFRS patients with a history of consuming alcohol, a high lym%, intense proteinuria, high levels of FDPs, and a low level of D-dimer might be more prone to the development of AP.